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(« Introspection II » by Christopher Stewart)

« Introspection II » is the fifth section, and second with vocals, of « The Chrome Lake. »

The chapter is an almost-but-not-identical twin to « Introspection I. » And again, the subject matter is pretty much self-explanatory.

Here are the lyrics :

I see you feel restrained, mechanized, dehumanized
I see you feel estranged, incomplete, dissatisfied
Anything for a refuge, an island for your mind, a flight, a break
No amount of diversion or substance will ever dissolve the lake

Low confidence, you can't make a move without a guide
Right now should you laugh or cry ? Live or die ? Can't even decide ?
The choice is so easy if only through my eyes for once you'd see
You can break down your wall or endure all that will be

You wanted advice ?
It's about time you showed

Another you - the true you
Afraid of the way they will see
The one who hides inside
Another you - let them see
The flame in your heart
If you try you can end your misery


« The Chrome Lake » is 12-minute long suite in seven sections that constitutes the core middle chapter of a trilogy entitled « Entering The Stream » which depicts a life-changing retreat of soul-searching, triggered by a one-too-many outburst of accumulated dissatisfaction with the way one's life is going.

The title of the suite was inspired by Voivod's « X-Ray Mirror » from their « Nothingface » album :

I can't believe I am the image
Within the mirror
Into the chrome lake
The glass is broken
But I look the same

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