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Well after what felt like a very long time, whatever it was that was stopping me from writing, has taken a hike and hopefully it won't return for a while, but I owe it all to my favourite T.V Show: Fringe as well as what I hope to become my 2nd favourite T.V Show: V.

I just finished watching the newest episode of Fringe on Fox after waiting, somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks, and I finally got those juices flowing in my head again. Fortunately for me, tonight's episode had to do with a mysterious shadowy figure that went around turning people into ash, doing what Walter believed, was absorbing the radiation in its victims, which alone was pretty cool. I was thinking of Astral Projection, but as the episode continued you learned that not only was it a form of Astral Projection, that it wasn't even a person doing it, but something from space that returned with a crew visiting the Moon. It was pretty interesting and in my honest opinion, was totally worth the 1-2 weeks that I had to wait while stupid Baseball took over the Fox Network.
Now V, for those who don't know what it is, is about Aliens coming to Earth and claiming "We are of Peace. Always." but as the first episode of this remake of an old television show closes to an end, you not only learn an interesting secret about many people that we believed were Human, but also the truth behind why the Visitors have arrived on our planet.
If you're into Science Fiction and aren't already watching both of these series, I highly suggest that you check them out ASAP. If you're American, you can probably watch them on Hulu, is it? It's unfortunately not available to users in my region, so if you can't get onto Hulu and you know how to use a Torrent Program (uTorrent, BitLord), head on over to Mininova and you should be able to find whatever episodes you'd like to watch.

Now that I'm finished with that, I've been working on this small paragraph from Shadows that I typed up before Writers Block *cough*Wall*cough* hit me so hard I wasn't even sure who I was anymore. Its taken my complete focus and I'm working my brain harder than I've worked it in a few days to get it right, to set a marker for the main plot in the story, to give Madison a clue to the truth behind the Shadows. However I'm stuck at this one part describing how their eyes look in this particular scene. I don't want to say I'm copying the eyes from the dark creatures from Dean Koontz's Dark Fall, but to be honest, the way he describes their eyes in that book is exactly how I imagined the Shadow's eyes, however I don't actually own a copy of the book so I can't really flip through it. I know what I want to put down, I just can't find the words to describe it in a way that would make sense... Booyah! I think I got it. Here, I'll give you guys a tiny little look at it.

The voices outside faded beneath the rhythm of the falling rain and the spontaneous claps of thunder that followed the bright flashes of lightning. Madison’s eyes grew heavier and heavier as she listened to the storm until she could no longer perceive what was real and what wasn’t. Noises she wasn’t originally aware of could be heard in the distance, noises she’d never heard before. They sent chills down her spine as she listened to them echo through the forest around her. Images began to appear in front of her eyes, stimulated by the unknown noises she could hear. The walls of the tent began to change colours as they moved erratically, bending like strings of spaghetti. Faces began to take shape in the air around Madison, spinning around her head like a marry-go-round.
Words she didn’t recognize were whispered into her ears as the faces continued to circle her head when suddenly the faces joined together, but the end result wasn’t that of another face. A pair of large glowing eyes hovered just in front of Madison. The eyes bore a strange resemblance to a lighthouse, however instead of light shinning out from them, the mysterious glow seemed to shine into the shadows, almost like Madison was on the inside looking out.

I've got my fingers crossed that I can steer clear of Writers Block *cough*Wall*cough* and get a move on with Shadows and Elements with my buddy, Gohtron, so I can get started on one of my many new ideas. As I progress, I'll post up parts for any and all that are interested, and as always, I appreciate any and all opinions on these passages. They've helped me a great deal so far. =D

Views: 32

Comment by scribbler on November 12, 2009 at 12:09am
Hulu does have Fringe and V. I'm watching Fringe too and it's an excellent show! V doesn't appeal to me. I found another place you can watch TV online called sidereel. It's got Fringe and V there. Now I haven't looked into this site yet so can't vouch for it. As far as I can see it lists all the sites that have the show available. Fancast is another site to try.

You did a good job on what you shared there, Andrew. I like it! :)


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