Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

When I was a student at Bushwick High School in Brooklyn, New York, I would visit the local public library and stare at the books  and plays on the bookshelves.

             I daydreamed!

             I read the titles of  books by famous authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald ( The Great Gatsby) , William Golding  (Lord of the Flies) , Zora Neale Hurston (Their Eyes Were Watching God) and the plays of William Shakespeare and other great writers.

            I thought one day I will write books then go to the library, look up and see my published novels on the shelves with those Titans of  Literature. Am I one of those? “No!”, but I can see my novels on the bookshelves along side some great novels.

            Well, God has Blessed me and now I have A Brownstone In Brooklyn and Philly Style and Philly Profile on the library bookshelves in major cities from Chicago, Philadelphia and Atlanta.

            When I was scanning the internet and I saw my book was in the Atlanta Public Library System, I decided to visit downtown Atlanta and see my novel on the shelves. What really got me excited was seeing my books were being checked out by readers. Wow!

            Now, with national the award winning The Ghost of Atlanta and A Brownstone in Brooklyn on the shelves of  the Barnes & Nobles brick and mortar stores I’ve come a long way as a recognized author. I thank God for his many Blessings.

            If you live near one of the library branches, please walk into the library and check out one of my books…it’s FREE!


Chicago Library System:


Free Library of Philadelphia: Six Libraries from Northeast Philly to West Philly

Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System: The main research library on Auburn Avenue and other branches:


Dekalb County Library System (Georgia): Four libraries

Gwinnett County System (Georgia): Two Libraries

Georgia Pines Library System: Two Libraries.

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