Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

           What a wonderful deal!

            You can purchase all four of my novels for your spring reading for just $4.00 in the Ebook format…that’s just $1.00 a Novel!

            You can buy just one or all four for the price of $1.00 for each book.

            My four published novels are on sale from April 17, 2015 to May 17, 2015 for half price. The regular price for the Ebook is $1.99, but I generated a fifty-percent coupon for each of the novels.

The Novels include: A Brownstone in Brooklyn, Philly Style and Philly Profile, the National Gold Medal Award winning The Ghost of Atlanta and Phantoms of Rockwood..

It’s a great deal and now you can purchase all four books at a fantastic price. The sale ends: May 17, 2015!

Please follow these instructions to purchase the novels.

Thank You for reading my novels!

                    Please enter the code prior to completing the checkout and the website:

                            A Brownstone in Brooklyn

            Promotional price: $1.00
            Coupon Code: HP57S
            Expires: May 17, 2015


                                Philly Style and Philly Profile

            Promotional price: $1.00
            Coupon Code: YP77V
             Expires: May 17, 2015


                                    The Ghost of Atlanta

Promotional price: $1.00
            Coupon Code: HW35S
           Expires: May 17, 2015


                                 Phantoms of Rockwood

              Promotional price: $1.00
             Coupon Code: WP79E
             Expires: May 17, 2015

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