Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Chapter 2
Written by Jane Doer
Well, the task is completed! I’ve finished typing Joe’s spoken words, needing, as you might
expect, to employ the “rewind” of the tape deck time and time again, simply because I can’t type as
fast as Joe can speak! I corrected whatever errors I found in the verbal text. I wouldn’t say there
were an inordinate amount of them, but there were some; most were either grammatical or time-
related, that is, material spoken of which didn’t pertain to the subject matter of the certain tape it
was on, etc.. And of course I edited out all expletives, of which there really weren’t many, except on
the tape I’ve entitled “Observations From Joe’s Home Chapter Two.”
Personally, I don’t know if it was really necessary to offer this introduction. And its
placement here as chapter two is certainly controversial. But it was Joe’s desire that I write this
piece, as well as a final analysis which he said should be the last chapter of the book, provided of
course the tapes he recorded ever reached book stage. And he felt very strongly about that. Why, I
don’t know. It was his belief, I guess, that somehow my physical actions of transposing his words
were also an actual part of all the occurrences, bizarre or commonplace, which taken as a whole,
constituted what I’ll term here “The Joseph Same Story.”
I suppose some sort of at least passing notation of my efforts should have been made. But
Joe was emphatic about my “extended” role in this entire “saga,” if you wish to term it that. In fact,
before he left my office after leaving the tapes with me that day, he told me, “Jane, if you don’t
want to tell them of your experiences transposing my words, then don’t bother to begin the
transposition in the first place.” Thus, I offer you the following information; of what importance or
relevance it may be can be determined by you as readers.
Forty nine of this book’s fifty four chapters needed transposition from tape, as two of them
were written by myself, one was written by Orlon Braem, and two others were letters, one from
Sharon Lyfe, and the other from the person who served as the thirteenth juror at Joe’s trial. And
only those five chapters which were submitted by people other than Joe are so noted in the final
manuscript of this book. They are chapters 2, 12, 13, 53, and 54. All the rest of the chapters are
transpositions from the taped dialogue of Joseph Same. Their contents appear here simply following
their chapter titles.
Before I began the transposition process, I thought of perhaps including a notation above the
physical beginning of each chapter telling where, and at what time in mankind’s existence the
events of that chapter had occurred. I changed my mind however, and now have only made
notations upon the heading of those chapters just mentioned, which were actually written by others.
However, I also considered having preliminary “notes” preceding a few other chapters as well, but
decided instead to tell you here what might be of some relevance to you as you begin to read those
chapters. Those comments concern chapters 3, 4, 5, and 52.
Chapters four and five were actually recorded by Joe about two years before the others. I
believe they were an “escape mechanism” for him at the time. And frankly, Orlon and I designated
them as chapters four and five simply because we felt they belonged as near the beginning of the
book as possible. Yet, it seems the three chapters which precede them do so appropriately. But as
you read the fourth and fifth chapters, I’d ask you to keep in mind that their date of taping does pre-
date that of the others in this book by roughly two years.
And chapter three was actually the second to last tape recorded by Joe. Thus, on it he
mentions his having completed his “journeys of retribution,” and speaks also of his having already
committed the bank robbery told of a few chapters later. Orlon Braem and I felt it best to move this
chapter closer to the beginning of the book however, since it deals primarily with events that
occurred prior to the major activities presented in the other chapters herein.
Also, subsequent to the recording of what is now chapter three, Joe decided to record yet one
more tape which I’ve entitled “Prayers, Petitions, and Farewells,” and which is found near the end
of the book. I did not physically receive that tape along with the others which I’ve transposed for
this book. Joe mailed it to me later. Thus, there may be slight inaccuracies in both that chapter and
others concerning the chronological occurrence of certain events; some of which designate that tape
(now chapter 52) as having not been the last recorded. I’ve decided not to change any of those
inaccuracies. I’ve determined that all the tapes should be transposed verbatim as much as possible. I
have made some changes to the original texts of the tapes however, but they involve either deleting
profanity, correcting what I felt were potentially confusing spoken errors concerning the “timing” of
events or, what I perceived of as lapses in thought process, i.e. jumping about from topic to topic
on the same tape.
And I believe that as you read this book you’ll quickly understand why it was necessary for
both the primary character of these writings (Joe), and myself, to take on “false monikers” for the
telling of these “tales.” Indeed, I felt our anonymity was crucial for their disclosure.
I’m Jane, Joe’s attorney, and just as Joseph Same is not his real name, so is Jane Doer not
my real name either. But right now, before we go any further, I want to dispel any possible
conjecture that might arise about Joe and myself. We are not, and never have been in any type of
“relationship.” We did attend high school together here locally however, and were actually in the
same graduating class. From that I’m sure you can deduce we’re the same age.
After graduation from high school, I began a journey of higher education that led me through
college as an undergraduate, and then through law school. Joe, I believe, worked at a few
“dead-end” jobs immediately after graduation. He did this for about two years before enlisting in
the army. He served militarily for about three years.
After his return from military service he found a better paying, more permanent type of
factory employment. Soon thereafter, he became married to an exceptional lady named Laura. She
however was probably above him in intellectual and “artistic” abilities. Later we learned that she in
fact had not been born in this reality of the earth! And the concept of parallel earthly realities is
difficult to imagine, and frankly believe. It will certainly be explained later in this book, thus, for
now, I’ll say no more about it.
But I will state that Joe and Laura’s marriage was apparently successful for a while. They
became parents twice. Still, as time wore on, something evidently changed, at least from Joe’s
perspective. I don’t know exactly what it was, but for whatever reason, or probably reasons, he
began to drink alcohol excessively. Laura did what she could to break him of what then became a
habit and a problem. And my understanding is that Joe also did try from time to time to “break
himself free” from what by then had become an addiction, but failed each time.
And Joe apparently then began to change into a cynical and “negatively based” individual.
I’ve heard that Laura had a very difficult time dealing with him during that period. I don’t know that
physical abuse of any sort, either against her or the children ever occurred, but she filed for a
divorce eventually.
After the divorce was finalized, Joe’s life apparently spiraled downward deeper into
alcoholism and depression, while Laura, now with custody of the children, began after some time to
date a man named Todd. And about three years after her divorce from Joe, she and Todd were both
killed in a horrific automobile accident. That event, as you may imagine, struck a devastating blow
into the psyche of Joe, who at that time had recently been able to break his addiction to alcohol. Yet,
as you’ll learn later, that “accident” may not have actually occurred accidentally. It may have been
but a “mechanism” to send Laura and Todd to a new home which evidently the two of them had
expressed a desire to inhabit.
But Joe’s defeat of alcoholism apparently corresponded with a “complete change” of
his personality. He did quit drinking “cold turkey,” but then became someone whom his
acquaintances and children apparently hardly recognized. It was at this time then that he, for
some reason, attempted a bank robbery which was very strangely “thwarted.” And that attempted
crime then apparently set into motion a series of “journeys of retribution.”
But now let’s speak of the more immediate present. A few weeks ago, Joe came to my office
and dropped off a number of taped messages which he said contained recollections of some of his
“sojourns.” He asked me to listen to the tapes, and then perhaps “rewrite” or “rework” their verbal
contents into a better “prose presentation.” He apologized for having used a somewhat “dated”
recording method, but advised me he couldn’t afford anything more than an old recorder at this
time. We then had a brief discussion about all that had befallen him, and I later used that discussion
as an input to help redo his taped words. And the tapes I received from Joe were somewhat of a
mess. But I did what I could to organize them into some type of order.
And, during our conversation, I learned that much to his consternation, the seraphim (angels
who “over-saw” his journeys of retribution) had, in a few instances, mandated his late, and/or
reduced disclosure of some of the material concerning his journeys. And I knew that Joe wished to
have the sequence of his reworked tapes remain the same as that of his recorded tapes in any
potential manuscript which might ever evolve from them. Thus, in the final manuscript, I placed all
those tapes which dealt with the confusion generated by the mandates of the seraphim in exactly the
order I received them; the same order in which Joe had apparently recorded them. And I don’t wish
to verify the exact chapter numbers of the tapes I just alluded to, but I’m guessing they begin around
chapter twenty-nine and end perhaps with the chaotic chapter forty-three.
Yet, for the book as a whole, I found I couldn’t justify adhering to the policy I just
advocated. I felt the book in its entirety “read” better with “Incidents On A Deserted Rural Road”
and “A Tribute To Laura” moved from near the end of the book to much nearer its beginning, while
“Lauren” was left near the end.
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