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    -What made you decide to do this?

Well way back in 1997 I was a double in a movie called I know what you did last summer. The photographer of the movie approached me and asked if he could take a few photos of me. I realized then that I was photogenic. The photographer kept complimenting me and I figured if a professional like this was saying something good , then I knew I must be something. That's where it all began.

    -How often do you work out?

I workout 6 days per week. If I don't, I get upset with myself and won't be able to sleep. Taking proper care of my body is essential in this business of modeling. There is always someone out there that is working harder then you possibly. He could end up taking all your jobs away, that's why you have to stay at the absolute top of your game at all times.

    -Are your workouts more intense as you get closer to a photo shoot?

Great question! And Yes they do get more rigerous as the day approaches. I tend to put all my energy, all my emphysis, all my attention on just my body, photo shoot, and looks. I normally believe in taking care of myself, but I want to look my best for the shoot. I don't want to come in with my face puffy and stomach bloated.

    -As far as the poses you do goes, how do you decide which ones to do?

I don't , the art director or photographer tell me the poses to do. I get into that position and they shoot off 500 or so of that pose or slightly similar ones. Sometimes I work with photographers independently where we will bring photos of various poses and then work from that.

    -Is it important to have a good relationship with the photographer?

Yes , its essential! I would have to say that the only time you wouldn't want to have a good relationship with a photographer is if they are shooting for a serious look or angry face..  Otherwise it will just work against you. The 2 of you shouldn't even bother with a shoot unless you can be friends and laugh about stuff.

    -To get to that finished shot, how many shots do you have to go through to get that?

This would really depend on a couple of things, One being the kind of shape I come in. If I'm in great shape, we'll get a lot of "Useable" shots to work with. Lets say I'm not in great shape on the day of the shoot, well then we'll have to do a lot of covering up or different twists or angles. Those shoots you may be lucky to get 10 good photos of the 500 taken. Everything must be working good though, not just my body but also the lighting , the camera, and the photographers eye of knowing when to catch a pose.

    -Do you talk to people that do the same thing?

Yes, I talk to a few models in the business. There are a couple that I really are doing well in the business. There are some that I feel are intimidated by me. They think that if they talk to me too much , I might pick at their brain and get too much info from them to use for myself. What they don't realize is , if we were to become friends , hey I would probably help them out and give them some of my contacts too.  That's okay though, I understand the business after being in it for 15 yrs.

    -My wife says I have a great face for radio. How do you put up with being so photogenic?

Well I do what I can to maintain a balanced diet. When I pick up a piece of food, before I put it in my mouth I ask myself "Will this food be beneficial to my body and looks or will it make me look ugly?" Then I proceed. I also make sure to use plenty of anti-age defying creams as well as exfoliate 3 times per week to rid my face of any dead skin. I want my face to feel viberant, wholesome, smooth so by doing so, I must take care of it.

    -Favorite recipes?

I enjoy a variety of fancy dishes from Swordfish Meatloaf in an onion marmalade sauce or sea urchin ceviche' , to squid ravioli in a lemon grass broth.

How can someone reach you to book a shoot or purchase your photos? How can someone purchase your modeling book?

Well its pretty simple, contact   to book a shoot ,

to purchase one of my photos for a book cover, go to  

and to purchase my book on how to model , visit -

Things have changed around here. I am now the published author by Trestle Press of “Down Low- Dead” with Vincent Zandri, “The Jersey Shore Has Eyes” with Big Daddy Abel”, “G.S.I Gelati’s Scoop Investigations Psychotic Detectives” with Thomas White, “Who Whacked The Blogger” with Benjamin Sobieck,and the soon to be released  “Thad and The G-Man’s Most Awesome Adventure” with Thad Brown and “Hotel Beaumont” with B.R. Stateham. All the stories are available @ Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and Smashwords. I am also the host of the wildly popular The G-ZONE blogtalk radio show. Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day.







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