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Italian woman, your portrait hangs in my mind as a lantern in a lighthouse. Indeed the


“keeper” should have arrived there in the waning daylight then to “turn on” the great lights which


may have guided seafarers who traversed upon nearby waters as the sun’s supplied light was


removed by night’s expected darkness. But should he have arrived late, through whatever reason,


valid or not, he may have grasped the lantern then to grant himself a lesser light as he searched for


the mechanisms necessary to illumine those greater.


            Mona Lisa, you are such a lesser light which helps us find the greater. And I believe you to


be the greatest of those lesser lights which help mortals find their way upon seas of earthly confusion


and wickedness. And one look into your eyes and who wouldn’t say “For you alone Italian woman I’d


gladly live without sin? And if for you, then how much more for my Master who guides all sea and


land movements from His home where the greatest light of all is timeless and eternal?”


            But, within temporal time, the bigger beams from the bigger lights of the lighthouse


outshine a lantern’s output, yet can’t match its central brightness. And, as a hopeful artist, I’ve said the


lantern spoken of here is real, and so, now it is. And thus, I’ve given that lantern and its light life,


though not a life undying.


            But Leonardo, once through art, you gave a timeless life to Mona Lisa. And though Ms.


Gherardini, or Mrs. del Giocondo was physically mortal, and has long ago passed away from our


earth in a living form, does not her portrait and “essence of art” remain forever noted in the


Relevant Masters’ great book of eternity, as well as merely on display in the Louvre?


            And how much more inglorious, how far less artful was what I’d done with the lantern


compared to Lisa’s entrance into reality? I flipped a switch upon my created lantern, and the


beams of that light source then left an illumination of sights which my eyes were able to present


my mind for its perception of. And as I sit here today, I know I’d grant life to every potential light


source I could - all the better to see you - Italian woman.


            But isn’t it bad enough that many are already living for a past that’s gone, though admittedly


not forgotten? And now we’ve learned that many others simply can’t “face” the present! Is that why


they’re attempting to “spin” it in a different direction as it becomes that same past?


            Each will have to answer those questions on his or her own terms. But for myself, if I


needed to hold and embrace one lasting answer, and its companion memory, I’d hold and embrace


you Lisa. I’d never let you go, though many say non-change is more important than you.


            And Lisa, Leonardo’s conception of you will forever remain near the pinnacle of art’s


achievement. Your greatness won’t be diminished. You have the smile uncompromising. And


within it lie “human admonishments” as to how life on planet earth should be lived by mortals, just


as assuredly as do “divine keys” lie within my Master’s great book. And your magnificence as art


grants a shared ownership of your hope for mankind not only to “true artists,” but to all categories


of humanity.


            And never will your “portrait of perfection” be touched by the despots, the stealers of time,


the advocates of risks not taken, nor the worthless gossipers who were so enthralled to learn of


meaningless half-truths which they then embellished and passed on to others even more gullible


than themselves. No, none such as those who may think they share your significance, will ever


match your elegance, or change your status as one great gift given mankind by the forces of timeless


light. And oh, how priceless and timeless are the “lights” granted by artisans to those who believe


they’ll someday see their Master face to face!


            And Leonardo, has that Master granted you your full measure of esteem within His timeless


light? I’m sure He has.


            Eternal eyes see through the devastatingly mundane. But mark this people, and underline it;


redesigned blandness won’t suffice for you in the end. Imagine now the pedestrian whose walk has


led him or her to the timeless light’s entrance door. Will the guards there gladly greet him or her


when he or she presents them with yesterday’s newspaper as a token of gratitude?


            Yes, the lovers of sameness prefer the bright lights of the lighthouse. And they’re living


within that brightness which illuminates their love of nothing. And, time - you’re so fleeting!


You’re so fleeting, yet so many whom you move along cling to a catechism of futility.


            One day, a life is ended. It’s gone from a zone where others were to have helped others, but


of course, not many could. They were fettered down with a whole “bonanza in reverse” of worthless


rules and traditions. They never had a chance to say “I think the Masters gave me some talents to


use in my life.” No, they couldn’t say that, because they needed to seek out the emptiness they


inherited from those banished from Eden.


            But Lisa, some of them may have seen you. Yet, how could they have understood the


mysticism in your smile?


            Italian woman, your portrait has no mortal soul, but I believe it’s eternal. Its face will always


live there in the great book within the timeless light. And its memory as art’s “greatest jewel” will


remain there in that book forever.


            Lisa, they say time has changed you somewhat. It’s apparently removed some of the redness


from your lips, which once must have appeared as fresh as roses.


            But though time may have changed you slightly, of more importance is how it’s not changed


you. You’re so young Lisa! So alive! So hopeful for the future of mankind! And if indeed time has


altered your flesh tones and lip colors, never will it, in either a temporal or eternal format, be able to


change the smile of Mona Lisa. 

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