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Recently, I have been journaling about loosing weight and how I am feeling about losing the weight. I just right until my tension, anger, or tears have pasted. Looking back I've notice something, that some of the emotions I'm feeling are what my characters should be feeling also. After all we want our characters to be real, so why not talk about the mental breakdown they have in the bathroom right before a big meeting, or the internal dialogue before they have to break it off with someone. The character are supose to be bigger than life, but in reality it's the human asspects of a charater that makes a reading come to love them.

Views: 26

Comment by scribbler on October 25, 2010 at 4:43pm
That's very true, Lesley. Do you like to be called Lesley or Lesley Jane btw? It can be very cathartic to let it all out through our characters. We write best about what we know, and no-one knows us better than ourselves. :)
Comment by Kay Elizabeth on October 28, 2010 at 3:47am
"The character are supose to be bigger than life, but in reality it's the human asspects of a charater that makes a reading come to love them." That's true and if the characters are too perfect readers don't like that. I want characters to have flaws and vulnerabilities like real human beings.

Merrill Heath wrote an excellent article on that subject, How To Improve Your Writing - Nobody's That Perfect.


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