Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

   I learned a few things about being a successful author after writing five novels, including a gold medal winner. Nine years of coaching hopeful writers in Evening at Emory University’s Creative writing studio convinced me that budding scribes often make unnecessary mistakes—the same mistakes.

     So I thought, “why not flatten the writing curve for writers who have the talent but don’t’ know the tricks of the trade?”

      My latest manual, Jump-Starting Your Inner-Novelist to Life! , harnesses nearly a decade of the teaching, writing and editing techniques my most successful students used in getting their books to publication. The manual presents a set of tools for issues such as developing captivating scenes, vivid descriptive details, living in a believable setting and other crucial elements of a successful novel.

I’ve enclosed testimonials from my students who are published authors, testimonials from writers I have tutored, valuable writing tips from my teaching, writing and publishing experiences. These tried and true nuggets of wisdom and advice will be valuable for the twenty-first century author.


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