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Kundalini Master Meditation- St Elmo's Flame.
Prose & Images: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Copyright 2018- written with soul... x
The below prose form the opening meditation for my Reiki healing system, Kriya Reiki. This narrative odyssey evokes a connected form of 'intra-focal healing'- uniting the human psyche with the sentient primal emotions of the organic world. There is an anomalous atmosphere of sensory isolation generated within this Shamanic awakening. The discourse illuminates the interface of the world of the crystal maze- a domain of experiential existence where the multidimensional nature of reality becomes manifest.
The work is composed in homage to Paramhansa Yogananda- since studying with Yogananda Institute, I have been blessed with Yogananda's penetrating insights into the spiritual domain. My conceptualization of Kriya Reiki transposes Kriya meditation into the energetic, vibrational domain! You are a an apprentice Yogi Master undertaking a series of conquests, unveiling the truth, beauty and purpose of your own existence. You face the ultimate Karmic test- a meeting with the fraternal flame of St. Elmo. The ultimate victory of the fledgling Yogi is to meet with the universal mind of divine spirit- the stillness of self-realization may only manifest following catharsis of the soul. This journey forms a linear Baptism of water, air and fire. You are not entirely alone in your quest; Gaia is your witness. Mother Earth is blessed with the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost: (mantra 'AUM'. )
The second half of the prose form a synthesis, evaluating Kundalini Masters Thor (St Elmo's Fire, Christ & Paramhansa Yogananda. The meaning of the Kunadalini Masters meditation is unveiled through the enigma of Turin Shroud...
*This work is an excerpt from the Kindle illustrated series,
"Kundalini Masters: Healing Sans Frontiers"- Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Key concepts: -
Kundalini (spiritual awakening), St Elmo's Fire, Turin Shroud, 'Kutastha Chaitanya'- Christ Consciousness; the divine conscious field...
Awakening Kundalini.
“You are walking in the twilight; you are a part of a dense box- you are at one with the void. The ebony blackness is your companion: your eyes are opened to sensory anesthesia - yet there is one sole muted sensation of feathered wings!
Open your hands into a cup- open the vacuum of deaf denseness towards the brushing tips of the feather nearest to you, nearest to the tips of your fingers. You are prey to the nothingness- it has sensed you, it returns your desperation and allows you to indulge on the feast of this single sensation of bronzed velvet within your praying palms. You cannot control the metre of these beating wings....
Image: The concept of 'Paramhansa', meaning self-realized
supreme spirit may be represented through the piercing beauty of the swan.
Kundalini flame erupts from the owl’s elicitation- a sensory perfusion of heat- now it is spiraling fire on earth that is most audible, most visible & most spiritually resonant sense. An ashen oak door falls, as soot and smoke choke your throat, your presence and being are oozing through the stillness. The door is gone; it is opened to a paradise of astonishing stagnancy. The fire is dimmed to a light, illuminating the eternal beauty of the waterside paradise of this Church, your sanctum reality. You transcend ego, you have entered the expressive palette of the collective super-conscious realm. The existential realm, a surrealist manifestation. This expressive transcendent realm supports your sensory isolation.
First you must pay revenue from currency you have stashed within the belt of chastity - your earthy soul relates. You must appease your mistakes; you must make a contribution to 'Sobornost' community via the collective dues box, to take full part in ‘spiritual communion’. With all your heart, you wish to achieve appeasement through the catharsis of your soul... You now stand in line- again hold out your hands- you must welcome the presence of the cosmic heart trust towards you by a cloaked Yogi, as a celebration to the communion of spirit. It is eternally real, it a heart chamber beating: it is warm cosmic pulsating sun, radiant, soft & intimately attached to the placenta of your mind’s eye...
The Gnostic realisation of humility overwhelms your being. You have reached the domain of the Akashic Ascended Masters- you have many reciprocal lessons to learn before returning to the sanctum of Mother's Earth's core. "
For more images & prose in the 'Kundalini Masters' series, see:
"Healing Sans Frontiers"- Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Image: Kundalini, as realised through the transformation of the butterfly.
Personal Synthesis: The Kutastcha Chaitanya.
The Kundalini Masters most closely allied to my own personal truth form an organic trinity.
During my Reiki Grand Master training, I engaged with the spiritual specters of:
Paramhansa Yogananda, Thor (St. Elmo's fire) and Lord Sananda (the spirit of Christ).
The relationship between these cross-cultural deities is beautifully poised, and should
never be under-rated. In most of my written works I draw from the accrued wisdom of
these distinguished souls, who remain open to contact within the divine field it would appear.
I believe these doyens may well be 'purna avatars' or
realised spirits, accessible at times of need. The presence of the purna avatars forms a
parallax shadow of self, generated by the Kundalini Masters Meditation, as words and images unite.
'Kutastha Chaitanya'- Divine Wisdom of the Shroud.
My forthcoming work will explore Turin Shroud further- a linen cloth touched by St. Elmo's flame, the violet flame of the God of thunder, Thor!
The enigma of the Shroud has confounded Western scientists for decades. The keys to
unlocking the Kundalini Master meditation lie within the Shroud. The Shroud expresses
the serenity of 'Kutastha Chaitanya'- divine intelligence.
Christ consciousness is imbued onto the burial cloth of Christ.
To unlock the divine beauty permeating within the promise of the Shroud, is to achieve egalitarian thinking.
Through the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, the quintessence of the Kutastha Chaitanya is laid bear.
We must become more cosmopolitan in our attitude to world religions.
The true origins of Christ's
spiritual discernment lie in his Gnostic engagement with plural spiritual traditions.
Meditating with Turin Shroud engages the true Kundalini Master meditation- emerging from the mouth of St Elmo's flame.
Turin Shroud is evidence of sincere completion of 'The Great Work' -
transmutation of matter marking the resurrection, generating affinity between humanity & divine spirit.
At this time, Gaia is the only independent witness to the resurrection. During the life of the Shroud on Earth, it has endured a Baptism of water & on several occasion has survived fires, yet remains in tact!
See: Greek four humors, (earth, air, fire, water).
The enigma of Turin Shroud
engages a cross cultural odyssey. Those of discern the truths of the Shroud,
will unlock the primacy of connected, egalitarian Gnosis....
Endnote: -
* For information on the natural phenomena of St. Elmo's Fire, see: Plasma and electric discharge.
The colours most closely associated with St Elmo's Fire are violet & blue flame in the atmosphere.
My work is authored in loving memory, as a homage to the lifeworks of Paramhansa Yogananda.
I highly recommend his classic autobiographical etude: "Autobiography of a Yogi", (1946) Self- Realisation Fellowship, (SRF).
Other seminal original works of Yogananda include- "Whispers from Eternity" and "Yoga of Jesus"- I have been working from the 2007 Edition by SRF in relation to my recent coursework for my Christ Healing & Christ Consciousness, (Reiki healing).
I take Yogananda's wisdom into every salient area of my work as an author & energy artist. Yogananda's work is creative, scientific and essentially organic.
- Yogananda's vignette on Christ and the concept of St. Elmo's Fire will be pivotal in relation to my next study on Turin Shroud.
Paramhansa Yogananda's Author's Page Amazon.
Turin Shroud:
Official website:
Created & maintained by: Barrie Schwortz x
Over time, custodians of the Shroud have included the
esteemed House of Savoy.
It is illuminating to consider the history of 3D photography- especially
in relation to the principles of light polarisation & the alignment of twin
images, usually required to generate a holographic 3D photo.
Turin Shroud is curiously similar to French Victorian 'Diableries'-
presenting an ironic juxtaposition of the Halloween 3D demons
equated with this visual genre!
'Diableries'- London Stereoscopic Company.
Namaste- Stephanie Lynne Thorburn, October 2018.
* Labour of love works:
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn- Kindle Author's Page.
- Supporting the evolution of Stephanie's Humanitarian Healing webs &
Gaea Earth webs 2018.
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