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‘The Kundalini Masters’: Healing Iconography.
By Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Spiritual Thanksgiving: -
Celebrating the Healing Legacy of Paramhansa Yogananda
Image above:
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn's distinctive portrait depicting: 'Cultured Lothario'.
Intro: Interjecting thoughts on the quintessence of spirituality and my healing 'Iconography' collection is a simple human pleasure, as we approach Christmas... Here in my blog, I am relating some key annotations on my spirit art gallery- this post is fundamentally about thanks giving and is dedicated to the healing masters who have given the most to me. It is a joy to be alive as we reach the end of 2015; this year has been a highly challenging, mercurial period and I have needed to grow and learn life-skills to survive! My art is a celebration of the organic, lived experience of life- and one of my most profound influence's, namely Guru Paramhansa Yogananda: a true spiritual pioneer... Yogananda can be credited with being the first sincere Indian spiritual master to capture the hearts and imaginations of the materialistic Western world... Yogananda established the 'Self-Realisation Fellowship' in 1920 .. I will gladly dedicate the prose element of this entry to a celebration of his life-force and incandescent ‘chi'... At a time of true crises within the natural and anthropocentric echelons of 'global politics', the diplomacy and choice rhetorical skill with which Yogananda delivered his inspiring maxims can still teach many world leaders some truly organic 'lessons of substance'.
Yogananda’s spiritual family- The Anandala Community!
I am at present completing an advanced healing programme with the Yogananda Institute; an institute completely dedicated to the lifework & legacy of Yogananda. I would therefore like to take the opportunity of reciprocally dedicating this work to: -
* Ananda community, (Los Angeles), Yogananda Institute, seminal Reiki Master ‘Dharmadevi’ Romano and the innovative Crystal Clarity Press, (publishers of many profound vignette works themes on Paramhansa’s ‘Kriya Yoga’ spiritual philosophies).
In studying the life-work of Paramahansa Yogananda, (alternately spelt ‘Paramhansa’,) I recognised that my own intuitive, grounded self-knowledge is innately orientated towards his humanistic principles. There is no inner battle to interpret or question his ethical or fundamental principles- he simply unified religious divisions and integrated the superficial divisions of mind/ body and the binary juxtaposition of East from Western culture. His search for spiritual and ontological truth is immortalised in the still 'modern' classic, ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ (1946). The depth and incalculably apt spiritual wisdom conveyed within this text, parallels the work with other notable idealised literary oratory, such as Homer’s ‘Odyssey’- which stands as a primary foundation stone in the lineage of western poetic literature.
Finding your path to creativity....
Paramhansa Yogananda’s will is that of God’s will- this may sounds a devoutly religious statement, with the cadence of my bio. of Yogananda being essentially deified! No, Yogananda has taught me that understanding my personal limits & finding the essence of my own ego and identity, however imperfect is always raison d’être enough to be alive and to be a creative human being. My art and resonance with bio-healing is Kirlian genre and the illustrations in my spiritual art collection are excerpted from my own forthcoming work: ‘Healing Hierarchies: Yogananda’s Spiritual Dharma’.
I have dedicated my gallery to illustrating my own classic style ‘tales of the unexpected’- and as a ‘work in progress’ I am collating some modern day fictional tales based upon Yogananda’s journey with the Hindu saints and Master healers; I loved the enigma of - 'The Levitating Saint' and Swami Pranabananda, 'The Saint with Two Bodies'- Chapters 3 & 7 in Yogananda's autobiography....
My egalitarian spiritual healing system ‘Magna Carta’ is grounded in both the influence of Yogananda and the many cosmopolitan wise healers I have studied whilst training to be a Reiki Master. Depictions from my super-conscious imagination are interjections, channelled from the subconscious mind, (as if I were engaging with the process of ‘super-conscious dreaming’). The images once formed, have been transposed and offer substantial Reiki ‘symbols’ to attune students to my Magna Carta healing.
Pictured in collection: - Uploaded- 'Cultured Lothario- cover title image, 'The Knight's Tale', (above), ‘Self-Portrait, by references and 'The Leviathan' at foot of text.
All works Copyright Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Kirlian Photography: constitutes the remainder of my self- image projections. In my forthcoming odyssey on Yogananda and spirit art, I have captured shadow beings that constitute positive Guardian spirits. There have been some amazing finds on my recent photography reels, and some unexpected guest appearances from archangels, (Michael perhaps?) Judge for yourself... - See previous post on Magna Carta Healing and Kirlian photography.
Primarily I hope do you enjoy this spirit art gallery and prose feature. I sincerely hope the reader will find the content evocative in enriching your own continuing soul journey... After all, that is the meaning of 'Kundalini'- in the practice of meditation and truly breathing life to gain perspective and 'transcendence'- it is not just a 'learned process' but celebrates joy of spiritual awakening - principles at the core of my own life and healing iconography...
Healing Resources & References-
Literary & Art Collections by Stephanie Lynne.
Author & spirit artist Stephanie Lynne Thorburn has written a diverse range of ‘body, mind and spirit’ orientated texts. Her Kindle collection includes, ‘Mortal Ecology of Soul’,
‘Spiritual Lexis: Poetics of Spirit Art’ and
‘Primordial Essences- Walking with the Archetypes’, (PDF sample from True arts, as below.)
Kindle Author’s collection- ‘body, mind& spirit’ texts, illustrated: -
‘Primordial Essences- Walking with the Archetypes’- sample available in PDF: -
The Legacy of Paramhansa Yogananda: -
Amazon catalogue- Yogananda’s Amazon entries constitute a unanimously voted distinguished five- star stellar collection!
This search link offers food for thought indeed...
‘Autobiography of a Yogi’, (1946. Reprinted: 1974, ’81, ’93; New York, Self- Realisation Fellowship- First published by: The Philosophical Library).
‘Scientific Healing Affirmations’,
‘AWAKE’- Life of Yogananda',
And ‘Journey to Self- Realisation’- illuminating narrated collection of essays & talks.
Self- Realisation Fellowship.
Also please sample at least elements of ‘The Science of Religion’-
This title is not a logical contradiction- but put simply, the reader might still question given the continuing division between science and religious thought how this epistemological/ ontological integration is possible? Well, in Yogananda’s perceptual eyes, the mutuality is fundamental to being.
Précis: - “In The Science of Religion Paramahansa Yogananda (author of the acclaimed spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi) reveals why the answers to the ultimate questions of both science and religion do not lie in scholarly research or blind belief, but in direct personal experience of a higher Reality that underlies and sustains all life”. Self-Realisation Fellowship, 1953.
Yogananda’s Spiritual Family- Ananda community networks- including online outreach educational initiatives: -
Crystal Clarity press- supporting the legacy of Paramhansa Yogananda, spirituality and art: -
World Metaphysical Association- excellent organisation: -
Yogananda Institute Programmes:
URL and courses updated, Dec 2015: New website-
Blog- including Christmas schedule & news: -
Still possess a penchant for experiencing further literary classics on your Kindle or Tablet this Xmas: try first ‘gemming up’ your personal knowledge on the fundamentals of Homer’s classics!
Homer's The Odyssey- This entry offers a literary summary, with annotated plot- line, characterisation & analysis of key themes/ nuances of this archetypal Greek work of poetic wisdom!
If you prefer some audio-visual input- try ‘Youtube’ and ‘Paramahansa Yogananda’: -
Ryan Kurczak’s ‘How to be a Kriya Yogi', contains a high level of acumen in summarising Yogananda’s principles;
The Self-Realisation Fellowship in fact articulate a plain summary of Yogananda’s principles at the close of ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’. For me, these precepts are a holistic note to end this post and are naturally oriented on: -
‘Plain living and high thinking’.
‘Mind over body- soul over mind’.
-Overcoming cruelty or prejudice with wisdom.
-Belief in integration of cultural & spiritual understanding between East & West, (Unity- the basis for Magna Carta healing!)
-Uniting science and religion with realisation of their underlying principles.
-Liberating humans from physical, mental and spiritual ignorance’... *Essentially, I would interpret a key precept to crucially be humble- or to adopt as useful a role in life as one's essential skills and individuality allow, whoever you may be- spirituality is democratic and always open to all with open hearts and minds! x
*All priorities expressed ethically are so in tune with modern living and not simply traditional, inert ‘axiomatic’ wisdom!
Self-Realiation Fellowship homepage:
Also it is worth engage with the new dramatisation of Yogananda’s life- a tremendously inspiring work: -
'Awake' 2014. 'Life of Paramahansa Yogananda', Official Trailer available on via YouTube, (as above link).
*This New Year- one resolution you can be sure to be worthwhile investing in, is to invest in your physical and emotional well-being. Learning the art and science of Kriya Yoga can be mastered- here are some approachable lessons, with a little lineage and biography info on this traditional discipline, courtesy of Ananda & the Self Realisation Fellowship. See:
*Featured blog: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn, December 2015.
Web links accessed 16/12/2015.
Images below: Portfolio- Stephanie Lynne and 'The Leviathan'- solar style!
Homepage for Stephanie Lynne Thorburn, books and artwork-
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