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Lapis Lazuli Stone- Resurrecting Christ.
The Platonic Christ Crystal.
Artwork & Prose- Stephanie Lynne Thorburn. x
(Images & words Copyright 2018. Designed with love #).
The Lapis Lazuli- polished stone of the Gods,
The Christ Crystal; born of honor,
Bearer of power, spirit, vision- a stone mined from the depths of Shambhala
Upward mobility, the stone the 'prem-avatar',
The stone of transcendent hearts. x
See: -
This post is in support of my ongoing work on Christ consciousness in relation to the enigma of Turin Shroud. My last entry celebrated Shroud of Turin Education & Research Association's 40th anniversary. The Shroud remains a divine mystery, despite extensive scientific exploration. This fireworks night, I am imparting some new directions in thought. I have myself researched many ideas related to the manifestation of the Shroud image on linen cloth. Turin Shroud, shrouded in mystery- the burial cloth of Christ. In truth there are no easy answers as to how the 3D holographic image of Christ's apparent resurrection manifested on the fabric. The history of 3D imaging suggests a correlation between the crafted style of French Diableries and Turin Shroud. Yet, image Diableries were essentially a satirical medium & a distinctly Victorian penchant, expressing intelligent design.
The Shroud is I suspect but one element in a series of missing seminal image slides. Like Thoth's Emerald Tablets, the Shroud telegraphs an open-ended narrative of Christ's own gospel. Christ's gospel has become overlaid with Gaia's interjections; the Shroud is covered in the pollen from flower of life, and subjected to Baptisms of fire and water over the passage of time!
The Gaia Gnostic Perspective on the Resurrection.
The Shroud may be perceived as a form of proleterian celebration marking the inception of the modern era (AD), a kin to Fireworks night. A divine sermon imparting radiant light...
Shroud of Turin is overlaid with the sepia burns of St. Elmo's fire- it is a natural phenomenon suffused with the semiotics of Pagan God Thor. Christ's consciousness correlates directly to the natural elements. His resurrection is embed into the healing frequency possessed by Lapis Lazuli, the defining gem stone of regal Kings- the blue stone. The images in this healing collection have been channeled via the oceanic depth of the divine Lapis stone. Lapis Lazuli is like Platonic crystal solids, illuminating the different angles and perspectives comprising true reality. Christ consciousness is driven by the oppositional forces of positive versus negative energy. Turin Shroud illuminates the light of salvation innate to the manifest face of Christ. Christ is essentially a healing elemental force, buried deep within the depth of Gaia, overflowing like magma flame.
The below paragraph on the Shroud is excepted from Stephanie Lynne Thorburn's forthcoming work on Christ, Thor &'Transformative Spiritual Leadership' -
"The Shroud captures I believe a private moment of sanctum, as Christ’s sadness is appeased by the universal eye of the solipsistic Father. If we are to believe the onus of conventional theology, we must realise that we are indeed disciples living within a world designed by a single ‘knowable’ divine sentient mind? In truth, we live too frequently within our own minds, consumed by our own primal needs. We should not merely seek to benefit from Christ’s suffering to gain access to an afterlife promising epicurean eternal rewards. We should learn to reciprocate love by healing here on Earth- a living cliche!
The Holy Shroud is a kin to Earth's holy ephemera of Christ- embed with immutable expressive angst.
- For me, it is comparable to the first Munch ‘Scream’ of the modern era AD!"
Stephanie Lynne's forthcoming work on Christ & Thor will be added to her Kindle books page shortly.
See:Stephanie Lynne Thorburn- Kindle Author's Page.
Recommended: Angelic Light Reiki Academy:
(I studied with Catherine Craig for my Christ Conscious & Healing Reiki, by Sol Karina 2018).
Official site for Research on Turin Shroud:
3D Imaging specialists- London Stereoscopic Company:
Reference credit:
Thank you to my brother Derry for collecting the 2018 National Geographic Precious Rocks,
Gems & Minerals series! As ever, National Geographic are inspiring and informed.
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