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loyalty-quoteSome of my students' thoughts on Loyalty:

Ethan -

Loyalty is standing up for your friends. For example, let’s say a friend told you a secret. Being loyal means you keep that secret. Another example is watching and making sure they’re safe. I am loyal to my family because I watch my sister when I promise to.

Stella -

I think loyalty means learning from and listening to my Mom and Dad. It is speaking up and saying “Yes, Sir!” at karate when we are being asked to do something. It is trying my hardest to do things the right way. It is also helping my brother and my family and my friends when they need it. At school, I am loyal to my teacher by showing up on time, doing my homework, listening, taking turns and trying my best.

People Loyal to me: Mom & Dad, Grandma & Grandpa, Grayson

People I am Loyal to: Mom & Dad, Mrs. Westhoff, Grandpa & Grandma, Mr. Brayton, my friends

Madison -

Loyalty is paying attention to others. I am loyal to my teacher, mom, dad, dogs. My teacher, mom, dad, and dogs are loyal to me.

Noelle -

What is loyalty. Well, the definition of loyalty is “faithfulness to a commitment”, but loyalty’s definition in my eyes is “staying true to your promises.” Loyalty is when you stand firm to your friends, to your family, and to your promises. It’s also when you can turn down temptation that would seem more fun to do at the time. Loyalty is always what I look for in a friend.

You can use loyalty wherever you go – school, outside, at home, or even in the small unimportant places. Loyalty is a key characteristic that you should look for in people. If you see allegiance and faithfulness shining out of someone’s personality, you know that they have a great loyal quality!

At school, loyal acts happen all over. If someone’s friends invite them to play, but that person had earlier promised to help another friend understand an assignment, it is a king and loyal act to stay and do what you’ve already told someone you’d do.

If, at a friend’s house, I am told to come home to help my cousin babysit like I promised earlier, staying at my friend’s house instead of helping my cousin, which was my earlier commitment, would not be an example of loyalty.

Loyalty is being faithful to what you’ve already told someone you would do. It’s helping out a friend in need, assisting your cousin, and even the small, unimportant things, like grabbing your friend a piece of paper like you earlier told them you would do instead of talking with another friend at the other table. Can you find loyalty in your friends? Can they find it in you? Look for loyalty.

Elijah -

The definition of loyalty is: the state or quality of being loyal; faithfulness to commitments.

I like loyal friends because they can help you out. In return, they expect you to help them our, too. Remember, a loyal friend will stay until the end. If you need to do something, but you don’t have time, you could ask your loyal friend.

So, no you have my opinion of loyalty. I hop that you can find a friend that is loyal. It is greatly beneficial to life.

Saleena -

Loyalty: faithful to a cause. Faithful to someone to whom fidelity is held to be don. Loyalty is also to the mother and father who gave birth to you. Loyalty must be instilled in you as a child from your parents.

Loyalty is something that cannot be bought. Loyalty must be earned. The nearest thing to loyalty is a mother’s love. Remain loyal when things are not going smoothly. The greatest loyalty in life is to “thine own self be true.” We also find our loyalty in God and Jesus. Loyalty for our teachers and instructors.

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