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These days, you have more games than you can possibly play in a lifetime. At times it can feel overwhelming due to the numerous games staring at your face. Mr. Matthew Davies, who is a fellow gaming enthusiast is our specia.... He is here to narrow your search and suggest a variety of games, some of which will surely grab your attention.


First of all, I want to say that this list consists of personal favorites that may or may not appeal to you. However, I have tried including a variety of games keeping in mind all you folks out there. So, let’s get to it.


For all your casual gamers out there, looking to kill a moment you can hit up the play store and download any random assortment of games. Unless you have a preferred genre, a simple game of chess can also be entertaining.


The Games

For those of you who already indulge in games and seeking to try out something new, here is the list:


  1. Battle Royale - I say battle royale because almost every developer has created a battle royale game. It’s become a big thing in these few years. Fortnite is a good place to start if you haven’t already played it as it’s free-to-play.


If you’re looking for more realistic graphics and intense action, then, by all means, try Player Unknown’s Battleground (PUBG).


Both are awfully famous games and have been the best for a while. Other rising games of this genre include Apex Legends, Ring of Elysium and Call of Duty Balck Ops 4 Battle Royale. A comparatively new game Ashen Eye is also making its debut. It comes with a brand-new concept so you might want to give that a try as well.


  1. FPS - Once again, there are hundreds of famous games in this genre. CS: GO is the new installment of the insanely popular Counter-Strike franchise. It’s a high skill cap game and has a steep learning curve if you want to play it on a competitive level.


More casual players can try COD instead. I won't bother including any more names since all of them have the same mechanics with different graphics. 


  1. Hero-Shooter - This genre dominated the gaming scenario alongside FPS until the infamous Battle Royales were introduced. Overwatch is quite the well-known game and though it has fallen from its graces, the game is still being played by millions around the globe.


You can also try Paladins which is a free-to-play game with a more oriental theme and is equally as entertaining.


  1. Multiple Online Battle Arena (MOBA) - The MOBA genre has managed to survive through thick and thin. Games like DOTA 2, League of Legends are still popular among their player base.


Newer games find it hard to wriggle in since a MOBA game is complicated enough, to begin with. With the steep learning curves of already existing games, new players don’t have the time to try out new ones.


If you’re interested in trying out a MOBA, these two are your best bet at a loyal and consistent player base.


  1. Warframe- Warframe is a game that is an assortment of many different genres. It's a free-to-play TPP action RPG with looter mechanics.


Basically, you create an avatar and the longer you play the powerful it grows, just like in real life.

The game has been making great strides since its inception and the recent Tennocon(an annual event for Warframe like Twitchcon and Blizzcon) revealed a variety of new mechanics. This is a great time to get into the game irrespective of the type of gamer you are.



These are but a few of the million existing games out there. If you guys liked this, please let us know. You might ask Mr. Matthew Davies to construct another list where he may dive into more specific gaming genres. 

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