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Hello Everyone,

I'm Sal Corrente, author of, The Adventures of Boochi Malloochi series (Vol 1-12).

The main character, Boochi, who is based loosely on my first daughter, (my wife and I have four all together), was developed with a strong sense of wit, morals, repect for others, genuine courtesy and well portioned sarcasm. The delicate balance of her personality is a combination of her real life parents. I believed when creating this series, that is was essential to provide a character for today's youth who was grounded in her demeanor and repect, while demonstrating a fair balance of fun and love for life. There are so many negative influences on our children in the world today, so I felt as an author, I have a responsibility to provide a character that others can look up to. Boochi is that person, who no matter the consequence, always puts her best foot forward and thinks of others before herself. She can teach today's kids a thing or two about manners and repecting parents.

Being old enough, though not an authority on the subject, I can say that the world has changed drastically from when I was a child. The morals that were instilled in our hearts and minds, have been replaced with technology and public figures who are more concerned with popularity, than their affect our our children.

The strange part is, I find myself repeating things my grandfather said...has the world changed...or has my perspective of the world altered?

Either way, from early reviews of the book from parents, my message seems to be echoed in their comments.

It's nice to know as authors, we can make a difference in other people's lives; as long as we don't abuse our influence...What do you think?

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