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The Prophet Muhammad (570 – 632 AD) is regarded as the most influential person who changed the whole perspective of the people lived in this world. Even after the thousand years of his death, the religion of Islam had spread across the globe. Today, almost half of the population of the world belongs to the religion of Islam. The message and the simple lifestyle of Prophet Muhammad sets a great example for the entire world. Even the non-Muslims respects the dignity of this man. It is impossible for the earth to give the birth to a man like Muhammad.

Isaac Newton (1642-1727) had a remarkable contribution in the field of physical sciences. His discovery of the laws of gravitation had entirely changed the world of physics. Newton was not just a scientist, but also a great philosopher and the astronomer. He will never forget till the last second of the existence of the world.

Aristotle (384- 322 BC) needs no introduction, his revolutionaries’ changes the vision of the world. He belongs to the Macedonian city of Stagira in Greece. He was the philosopher of the entire universe and polymath of the world. His writings are still regarded as the most influential text of the world.

Christopher Columbus (145-1506) was the man who discovered America. He was an Italian navigator, colonizer and the explorer of the world. Some people ought him to the only sainthood personality of the world.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) developed the theory of relativity that is considered to be one of the pillars of modern physics. His theory of relativity is the basic tool to understand the relationship of space and time. He also discovered the strong connection of matter and energy. Without the inventions and discoveries of this master mind man, we could not be able to learn the phenomenon of the universe.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) emerges as the most influential thinker of the 19th century. He is a revolutionary communist and explores several strategies to boost the economic conditions of the miserable world of 18th and 19th century. His social, economic and political thoughts are widely accepted at all the socialist movements.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) still ruled the hearts of thousands of people who read English literature. The innovations in the writing of Shakespeare had an apoplectic quality. He was considered as the king of English plays and poems. From the theaters of the 19th century and the movies of the 21st century, his writings influence the western philosophy of life.

Author - Alice Dickinson of Time To Break

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