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Mother Earth- Divine Sanctum.
Lexis of Soul.
Art & Poetry: -
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Image: Paramhansa- Divine Kriya Swan. 'Heaven is here'.
Copyright, A Labour of Love creation for 2019. x
Happy Mother's Day (UK).
My post offers both verse and pictorial celebration of divine Mother Earth. In the UK Mother's Day is placed at the end of March 2019, on 31st.
In the modern world, mothers play a crucial role in giving, nurturing and honing life. Honoring 'Mother' in an increasingly ecologically aware culture opens out an entirely nascent perspective...
Humanity shares the same genealogy- we all emanate from the sacred Earth Tree of Life. Our Mother Earth is our indulgent host- providing a home, sustenance and hospitality for human kind. As we increase our bio-resonant alignment with Earth's essential eternal cycles, humanity engages with Gaia's residual spirit. Poetry and prose dedicated to Mother Earth are charged with positive IONS! The poetics of the natural world forms an organic lexis that nourishes heart and soul. Let us celebrate sacred Earth DNA.
Gaia may be perceived as imbued in the geometric tapestry of 'flower of life'- a multi-cultural symbol of re-birth. The below healing verse is dedicated to all Earth Mothers and to Gaia's children- the human race.
Gaia poetics possess an innate human trait- romance! Our love of Mother Earth is equivalent to a form of divine romance. Earth is feral and harmonic in equal measure. Yet our desire to appease our relationship with Gaia is similar to our desire to reach towards the affections of our own mother. Gaia and humans each possess a primal hierarchy of essential needs- requiring mutual respect.
Overview of new publication- published today- Mother's Day UK!
"Mother Earth's Beatitudes"
(Kindle Edition- International).
See: -
Mother Earth's Beatitudes- Kindle. Stephanie Lynne. x
Welcome to Mother Earth's loving blessings. This galvanising collection of Earth Mother meditations unveils the deep ecology of emotional learning and sentient well-being. The work forms a placenta for the 'Conscious Creativity' Trinity of titles, celebrating the launch of Gaea Earth Webs.
This text comprises prose, poetry and bio-resonant art, placing the 'Divine Mother' archetype at the centre of the Holy Trinity of life. The creative emanations effect a sacred temporal odyssey, immersing the viewer in a transformative Baptism of earth, air, fire and water. These spirit art meditations evolved from the author's reflections on her Grand Master Reiki studies. Subsequently, she has nurtured the nascent modality of Organic Reiki healing, exploring the great hope & latent potential of human kind.
* This mindful approach to energetic healing integrates Reiki with creative visualisation techniques. ♠
Mother Earth's Beatitudes uphold the Christian humanistic concept of egalitarianism and notions of intelligent design. Christ's Beatitudes from Sermon on the Mount are complemented well by exploration of the deep ecology of primal human needs.
**Christ's Beatitudes are extended with a verse for the salvation of Urantia, Gaia's family on Earth.
A progressive etude on human progress....
Copyright 2019. 'Gaea Earth webs', Labour of Love titles.
Divine Sanctum- The Lotus Plume.
Lotus- flower of life.
Lotus flower possesses a seminal conceptual lineage. Lotus flower is a traditional Hindu and Egyptian symbol of spiritual self-awareness, faithfulness, purity, rebirth.
The flower of life is conceived as the template from which all life imploded and re-emerged into being.
A Healing Verse:
Your petals eclipse humanity’s soul,
You are the nirvana within the birth of salvation,
The primordial native heart,
The imploding urn within Gaia’s ascent,
You bleed toward the Israelites,
You suffuse fear with mortal courage,
Within your fraternal leaves divine love of the incarnate sun.
A sanguine flower of life,
You offer not the moribund opioid of forsaken hope,
But the ecstasy of immutable sentience,
My Lord is safe within the immortal plume of your golden beating heart.
Within the ashen knight ascends the body of Lord Sananda’s soul.
Gaia Healing concepts: Spiritual health, spiritual hunger, compassion, sanctum, sacrifice.
Gaia Healing- Intra-focal ecology of Soul.
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn is working on her Intra-focal healing series of Gaia 'Earth Mother' birthing meditations. This is not a satirical, cliched eco-feminist vignette - but a real, bio-resonant method of obtaining access to Gaia's presence of mind- her pure consciousness. Mother Earth possesses a collective conscious manifest in human genealogy of Tree of sentient life.
See: Mother Earth's Beatitudes- Kindle. Stephanie Lynne. x
*Please remember to follow Author via Kindle page.
Recommended Links: -
RFF: Protecting habitat-sustaining lives
Spirituality: -
Paramhansa Yogananda- Self-Realisation Fellowship
Catherine Craig. (Angelic Light Academy- Society of Holistic Therapists).
Bishop Don Hauck- (President The Universal Light Church Non-denominational).
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn- Gaea Earth webs.
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