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Hi I am a new author with my book being released this week by Tate Publishing.  It is a one of a kind Christian book and a true "David versus Goliath" story that is very unique.  I might also add it is the first Christian book about the IRS, and that statement always brings a smile to everyone.  So far I have really been encouraged because everyone that has read the pre-release book has told me they were not able to put the book down.


You will see in my book how I was brought to my knees by them and how God worked through this agency to bring me back into his folds.  It is a book that I have poured my heart and soul into in hopes to bring about some much needed changes in our tax system in America, but my biggest goal is to hopefully help someone to find Christ through my story.

I want to make it clear that America was founded as a Republic, and a free nation of the people, by the people, and for the people. The 16th Amendment which created the IRS was started in 1913.  
The greatest weapon the IRS has is fear.  And as a free nation, I believe we should not fear our government, I am  sure many of you have had your own frustrations and episodes  that you have experienced with the "Forces of Evil, the IRS".  
I encourage you to buy my book, "Saved By The IRS,"  to show the horror story of IRS  corruption and abuse that got national attention and is in textbooks as far away as Russia and my legal case is on Google if you Google my name James Kenneth Jones.  
I believe  in  the Fair Tax system and think that it is the only way to get rid of the "Forces of Evil, the IRS," and everyone will pay equally.  I encourage your participation in this discussion.  Please visit for answers to questions that you might have.  For the first time in history, we the American people will truly have the power of our money in our own hands.
The IRS has absolute power to destroy peoples lives with unlimited resources at will and now they are going to be given even more power over America with the new Affordable Health Care law which they are in the process of  hiring an additional 160,000 agents to make sure that we all have health insurance or be fined and harassed by them if we do not purchase health insurance .  
As you will see,  by the grace of God, God was there for me.
Buy my book, "Saved By The IRS", and you will learn how horrific my true story is and to what illegal lengths the IRS employed to try and destroy my life and family business.
I encourage you to join in my fight to free America and to help me fight the battle for a Fair Tax.  I welcome your comments on my blog.  Thanks!

-- "Saved By The IRS"  my web site

God bless,

Ken Jones



Views: 74

Comment by Libby Belle on July 16, 2012 at 5:16pm
I appreciate your bravery. Even now, I sense a tinge of fear just typing that I understand why you are compelled to write about a huge monster that keeps its colony in a state of fear. There is enough natural things to fear without us creating more. Someone from another country recently told my friend, "I am shocked that Americans are not yelling from the streets about the things your government is doing."


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