Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

I am very grateful and thankful that today my book headed to the printing department. As I say, today brings Words from my Mouth-Person Addiction to life.


The entire reason behind Words...was for a justified self-cleansing. It was a huge therapy for myself and has been, already, to so many people. I can't kid myself, I hope the book is very successful. What author doesn't like their book to be the most successful? But, like I have said in the past, it doesn't matter if 1, 100, 1000, 10,000 copies are sold...the entire point is for those that ARE sold, I hope it captures the readers into moving their life in the most positive direction than they currently are in with addiction. 


The cover of my book was sent to me two days ago for approval. I wanted a cover to specifically speak out and identify the entire reasoning being my nonfiction book. I believe the artist who made my cover did just that. He did so with just a few sentences of what I wanted the cover to look like. In fact, they hit the nail exactly on the head. When I opened the file that contained my cover, my mouth dropped opened and my eyes popped out of their was truly amazing to see the cover so precise to what I wanted.


At the Facebook Page I created for a copy of that image. The link is below. If you care to visit the link, under INFO it will tell you more what the book is about. If you would, you may "LIKE" the page and share it with others. I would like it specifically shared with those who have endured addictions, battling addiction, etc. 




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