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Well here are pics of my characters:




This is Ash, a x-blackblood. Boy.










This is Blaze, Flare's older brother. Boy.











This is Claw, a wolf who messes a lot of stuff up. Boy.











This is Dove, mother of Sawn and Swan. Girl.











This is Lily (back & girl) and Dynamite (front & boy), the oldest of Jewel's pups.









This is Flare ( I know the pics are the same!) she is the ain character who goes through some bad times over and over again. Girl.









This is Halo, Sky's only pup. Girl.










This is Jack, his sister is Jill, and he's being hunted down by blackbloods. Boy.









This is Jake, one of Slash's kittens, and sleeps all the time. Boy.










Jamie is a fierce enemy and you would be lucky if she even talks to you. Girl.









Jay is the son of the alphas of the blackbloods, is in love with Flare. Boy.









This is Jay's dad who is hunting down his "kidnappers". Boy.










This is Jay's mom who is helping Jay's dad hunt down his "kidnappers". Girl.












This is Jewel, mother of 7. Girl.













This is Jill, who can heal with the knowledge of 20 wise men and the skill of 20 skillful people. Girl.













This is Jamie(front & girl), Kiko(log & girl), and Luke(behind Jamie & boy). They are very good friends.









This is Leaf, he is the herb collecter

 of the group of him, Halo, & Sha. Boy.








This is Mic. Inventor of singing. Boy.






Rue(far back & girl), Mikey(middle & boy), & Mac(Front & boy). "The bullies" as Flare calls them for picking on Snow.








This is Mina, Mic's sister. Girl.











This is Nikki(front & girl), Niko(far back & boy), & Nikoli(middle & boy).









Osco is a keep-to-himself kind of wolf. Boy.












Peta is known for nothing. Boy.












Petal is one of Slash's kittens and and is the healer but wants to show everyone that she can fight. Girl.










River is a young wolf who was left with the "old pack" when Flare picked a group to come with her to make a new pack. Girl.











Sawn(boy)/Swan(girl) they are twins.











Sha is the warrior of the group of him, Leaf & Halo. Boy.










Shana is a hunting wolf who is the mother of Sha. Girl.









Sky is a healer and wants to have no part in a lone life. Girl.










Slash is a kinda grumpy cat who adopts lost & abandened kittens. Boy.









Snake is the protective one of Slash's kittens. Boy.












Snow(front & girl) & Theo(back & boy). Only 2 pups who get picked on.










Steel is the son of the ultimate blackblood alpha Steel. Boy.












Zac is a fun-loving wolf who is struck with a "disease"that will not kill him intentionly. Boy.




Thanks for reading about my characters! Tune in for other blogs!


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