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April) What gives you ideas for your novels?

Jen) I daydream a lot, and stories just evolve like movies in my head. Sometimes I get ideas from song lyrics, or the emotions a song will give me. My mind is constantly going over some story idea or another J

 April) That makes perfect sense to. Ideas are everywhere, just waiting to be noticed. So now my next question to you is:       Do you find yourself laughing, crying or have any other emotions while writing your scenes that are linked with your characters emotions?

Jen) All the time! I find I have to be in the right mood to write certain scenes as well. I’m a very emotional person and I think that comes out in my writing quite a bit.

April) You’re emotions do show in a wonderful way. They bring the stories you write to life. Okay so my next question is:        How long have you been writing for?

Jen) I started writing stories in public school and got into writing novels in high school. I lost most of these to various computer crashes (thank goodness). When I had kids I stopped for a few years, and then started up again. About 5-6 years ago my parents convinced me to try to get published…and here I am.

 April) Well I’m glad you’re parents convinced you to get published. So my next question to you is:  What do you find helps you get into your writing zone?

Jen) Quiet. I don’t do well with interruptions. Most of my writing I do after the kids are in bed. Lots of candy helps too ;)

 April) Yes, sugar rushes are important though personally I find lots of coffee helps me. No interruptions are a must though :D Now my next question for you is:        Have you had any job that you find helps give you knowledge on certain aspects of writing your stories? 

Jen) Ohh, a hard one. Most of my jobs have been dealing with people, so I guess that helps with coming up with characters. In university the geology and geography classes help with world building, as did the archeology ones I took for fun. I think the best helpers are that I’ve always been a very avid reader, and I know how to use Google.

April) Wow, yes I can definitely see how those would help you, as your descriptions of your worlds are amazing and vivid. Me, I failed geography and get lost constantly. Including in a shopping center once. Don’t ask it was embarrassing. And Google, yep, a writer’s best friend :D Now my next question to you is:           What was the push that started you on your writing path?

Jen)Actually writing I’d say it was my love of reading. I started coming up with my own stories. Getting published was my parents to start with and then the support of some great friends.

 April) I adore and am addicted to reading, so can understand that completely. I’m glad you had the push and encouragement from your family and friends. On that note my next question to you is:           On average how many books do you write a year?

Jen) I’m slow (compared to a lot of writers these days) so only 1-2.

 April) That’s still pretty fast writing though. My next question to you is:         What hobbies do you enjoy outside of your writing and do any of them give you inspiration on your stories?

Jen) I love to read, listen to music, and spend time with family and my sweetheart. I used to do a lot of crafts, but real life and everything involved with writing (editing, marketing etc) take up a lot of my time. All of the above give some inspiration.

 April) Real life does have a habit of stopping some things, but as long as the inspiration flows that’s the main thing. Now my next question for you is:             Do you find it hard writing some of the scenes mainly because of the emotional aspects in some of them?

Jen) Actually the emotional scenes are often the easiest to write for me. It’s the not so exciting parts that interconnect them that give me trouble sometimes. Oh, and fight scenes…I always worry so much about those.

April) Well you shouldn’t worry as they are brilliant. So my next question to you is:               Have you started writing another book yet and if so what are you writing?

Jen) I’m currently working on book 3 of The Broken Ones and am nearing the end of it! (Yay!) Next will probably be book 4, though I might putter at another Tales of Ever book as well.

 April) Yay, I adore The Broken Ones series and can’t wait to read it. Excited too that you’re going to write more in The Tales of Ever series. On that note my next question to you is:                  What made you decide to write supernatural fiction and do you write any other types of novels?

Jen) I grew up reading fantasy and science fiction. Since I’m not that great with the technical aspects of sci-fi…fantasy it is! Plus I love elves and dragons and those sorts of things. Building my own worlds I also find super fun to do. So far I’ve only written paranormal, fantasy type stories, though for various ages. I did write a horror short story once, but it could be classed as paranormal as well. It rather scared me, so I probably won’t be going there again.

I think it’s good that you scared yourself while writing you’re horror story, for then you’re readers should also get scared too :D I have to admit though I love all books my heart does lean towards fantasy and paranormal too. Okay that’s the end of my questions and I’d just like to thank you for taking the time out to answer them for me. You’ve been fantastic. :D

Please list your books here so people can see what you’ve written and add your Amazon author page so they can buy them, and also links so people can contact you too :D

 Ring Around the Rosie- Free fantasy short story Ring Around the Rosie

Sweet Light- adult fantasy Sweet Light

Broken Aro- YA fantasy Broken Aro

Broken Prince- YA fantasy Broken Prince

Tales of Ever- YA paranormal/fantasy (suitable 10+) Tales of Ever: Volumes 1-6

Flashy Fiction and Other Insane Tales Anthologies (Vol 1 & 2) – adult paranormal Flashy Fiction and Other In...


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