Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
fellow authors. My name is Monique Jordon.
Thank You for the priveledge of joining your group. I am very new at this and welcome the company of others
who know what goes on in the world of writting. Needless to say the first experience is the greatest teacher.
I am a published author of one book to this point, titled "Michael Jackson as seen through the eyes of a stranger,
who sees into the hearts of others" It was an emotional writting experience very close to my own heart. While
many saw :
Michael as different, eccentric, wacko, and strange, I saw him as a human being, one struggling from many
unreconized disorders that i personally was only too familar with, so i guess you could also say i am an advocate.
It was my greatest wish in writting this book to bring to light not just on behalf of Michael but so many others
who also fight these disordrs on a daily basis and often lose that battle for lack of understanding from the world
around us to create an awareness on just how serious these disorders are and the price one pays not just for having
them but also for lack of understanding them and the lack of concern about them by those who know nothing of
them. Anyway, long story short.. it was with great admiration and respect for Michael that i wrote this book and
with great empathy for others who also have these terrifying things plauge their very existance. Also in hopes
of above all else him being reconized as a human being.. Hope you check it
out and pass it along. Thank You for your time... Respectfully,
Monique Jordon
Hey there! New author? No such animal. If one writes, one is an author. When one is published, ahhh, a different story developes! Myself, having been a writer since I could work a writing implement of any kind, I find it fascinating at how we continue to misfigure our connection to art. But I digress. Welcome aboard, dear one.
The animals abound in the industry in which we seek to eke out our living: this be true. My current novel, Free Clinic, is selling well but there is more work always to be done. I have an agent, but the industry is slow by nature. Consequently, we find ourselves slaves to our own thinking and writing. I find this profoundly comforting, in an odd sort of way. Above all to thy known self be true.
I created this trilogy, The Free Clinic Saga, for my dearest sister, who was ill at the time. Not unlike the reasoning behid which J.R.R. Tolkein wrote The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings for his son who was in The Great War. As writers, we seek to express.
Monique, you are on spot.
Stay good, clever and kind.
My Best,
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