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Author Suzanne E. Uzzell shares with her readers beautiful treasures for the Christian Marriage union that will cause them to value their relationship by cherishing their spouse.

Suzanne Uzzell was inspired by God to write Treasure Your Marriage by Cherishing Your Spouse to impact the Christian marriage relationship by reminding couples who read this book to value the beautiful gift God gave them. This gift is valuable and of great price. Your union God created is dear to his heart.

After reading Treasure your Marriage by Cherishing your Spouse you will grow into deeper fellowship of appreciation and gratitude for your union and your spouse.

You will also learn how to stand in love with your spouse and treasure your Marriage covenant by honoring your commitment. You will find hidden treasures with in your own marriage relationship as you transform self and learn to cherish the one God has gifted you with while living on earth.

Treasure your Marriage by Cherishing your Spouse is an inspirational book for Christian Marriages written by Author Suzanne E. Uzzell. This book was written to ignite the reader to learn how to Treasure their marriage by cherishing their spouse.

This book is a reuniting and rebuilding of the couple in the friendship, lover, partner capacity within the marriage relationship.

The reader will reflect on the care of the Godly union and their spouse. They will also learn the role they play within the marriage union is crucial and significant to the building of the relationship.

This book will transform lives and cause the reader to revisit their wedding vows and learn the significance of their function in the Godly union. The reader will also have a new outlook on how cherishing their spouse will allow them to treasure their marriage union for a life time here on earth.


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                            Treasure Your Marriage

There are hidden treasures
I placed within your marriage
that will take you time to see 
 as you spend days, months and years together
you will learn how to operate in and appreciate
this beautiful relationship that I
 hold dear to me and gave to thee.

I have gifted you with this treasure here on earth
the one I have created, designed and re-birthed.
I want you to cherish the one I placed by your side
but remember to always let me be your guide.

Never forget to show my love, the love
that is from Heaven above.
My love is unconditional, patient and kind
my love will guide you through the test of time.
My love will bind your hearts together as one.


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