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Glory hallelujah, lift a glass/teacup/slice of cake and celebrate that the new edition of Peace on Earth is back in print as of this very morning - the e-book came out last month.  It's very slightly different from the first version, but only in minor detail.  I've been using my limited resources on getting all three of the current books in the series newly or once again before the paying public, so haven't had much thought for blogging, I'm afraid.  The first in the series and last to come out under new management is nearly ready to roll - it should be out in both e- and print formats at least during November.  There is now, of course, the need to complete the fourth book, which has been waiting since I first fell very ill and forgot the entire plot!  I've reconstructed another one, more or less, but we'll have to see.  In the meantime, Jane McCaa is back in business.  Hope scifi fans out there will be interested in a look.  You can correspond with me via this site or my own website. 

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