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Hello everybody! I got this news yesterday and immediately my blood pressure sky rocketed. Incredible, fun, cutting edge, intense, how more commas can I have in this sentence? Anybody?

Let’s get to it shall we: Paul D. Brazill ,one of the gods of noir/hard-boiled/mystery/horror has begun to not just put together a character but an entire series called “Drunk On The Moon” ! The first installment hits cyberspace next Friday July 8th. Each month a new installment of series will be out using different authors to create an atmosphere that is both chilling and inviting. The stories will revolve around the central character –P.I. Roman Dalton, a werewolf. Feel free to check out the cover art I have created for the first installment on Facebook, The Novel Spot, Edgy Christian Fiction, Cyber Authors and a number of social networking websites.

Trestle Press is both humbled and honored to be hosting this Avant guard and cutting edge series. Me, well I am going to be doing the cover art and posting on the work, so basically I get a great seat for the fun. Maybe they will make me honorary ring master, as this sounds like it is going to be one great show. Grab your ticket to the first show they are only going to be $.99, a bargain for such quality entertainment. The line starts at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and Smashwords so don’t be late.  

Writers who will be contributing to the Drunk On The Moon series include  Richard Godwin, Katherine Tomlinson, B R Stateham and Frank Duffy.      

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