Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Write a story in which your main character is one of the months of the year.

The story begins when a lady, named September and man named Charlie got married and after there honeymoon she be came pregnant to add to there surprise on one of their doctor's visit it was discovered that they would have twins and that they were little girls and they were excited and scared at the same time.

But when it was time for the delivery of the little two babies and September was so tired they found that they were having three instead of two. And Charlie about passed out and the she was over joyed and the kicker is the third one was a girl as well.

Later that that day as they threw out names Charlie said you know September I have a brilliant ideal why don't we name our little girls, April, May, and June! She laughed and said your ideal is brilliant Brown that's just what we'll do!

As they filled out the paper work and decided who would be who the nurses got excited for they had no clue but when they found out there names they all commented on how clever that really was and how it would suit there family of five just swell.

As the families came to visit they were blown away by their names and love it all the same and as they grew they always know that April, May and June would always to around every single year and they loved there Mom and Dad who gave them such clever names all beginning with a month of the year and ending in Brown as that was there last name.

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