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What is the title of your book? Jarred Into Being

What is your book about?

After the tragic death of her parents, Eva Lange must battle for her freedom; indeed, her very life. Fleeing her aunt's abuser, she falls prey to a murderous drug lord and his wife in their luxurious lair of lust. Using her wits, beauty, and sexuality to save herself and break the bonds of captivity and degradation, Eva struggles against corruption and powerful political forces to reclaim her independence and save the life of the man she loves. 


Why did you decide to write it?

We wanted to write the type of novel that we ourselves enjoy reading: a taut, suspense-filled, roller coaster of a read that keeps you turning pages until you reach The End.

What types of readers will be interested in your book?

Anyone who enjoys fast paced, exciting fiction with a strong protagonist and convincing, fully drawn supporting characters will enjoy this book.


What is special about your book?  What differentiates it from other books in the same category? 

Our main character’s physical beauty is both a curse to her and her ultimate salvation. Eva is preyed upon because of her desirability, and she learns to use that same attribute unapologetically to free herself and assert her total independence


Have you published any other books?  Do you plan to publish more?

We do plan to publish more novels; in fact, our second one is already underway. We have previously penned Murder Mysteries and a two act comedy play, Squirrels In The Attic.



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