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Unveiled Emotions:  Hunches, intuitions and promptings are a natural part of the human experience, but what is their purpose and how do they impact us?  Though we often ignore them, we do so at our own risk.  In this fast paced read, the author shows us what can happen when we pay attention and the sometimes devastating effects when we don't.

This new book has also been receiving several surprise reviews online, by word of mouth and through texts.  It is wonderful to see that the message I tried to convey to my readers is the message they are clearly taking from reading this book.  As one reader says, Unveiled Emotions is real and raw; nothing hidden.  The most unexpected and welcomed response is that it is a book you just don't want to put down.  Angela Bozorth, a television host told the author that she read the book in one day simply because she could not put it down. 

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