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People of the Dark

A long dark haired beauty named Alaya has an IQ of 230. The amazing thing about her is she is the best heart surgeon in the world, and she is 19 years old. While holding in her hands the heart of a seven year old boy he dies. Alaya's life is turned upside down. The head of the hospital and a dear friend Javin tells her to take a 2 month break. Reluctantly Alaya takes a vacation to find her self again. She decides to visit the home were she spent the first seven years of her life, her family home which was left to her after her parents’ death. While visiting she decides to camp at a waterfall on the mountain near her childhood home. There her life is thrown into a secret world of mysterious man.


Science tells us that if things can't be seen then they are not real.  Religion, no matter our faith, binds us all together for though our faiths differ they all lead to a higher purpose.  Yet often science questions the existence of 'faith' for you cannot see it with the naked eye.  As a society we share in various mythologies around the world.  Things that aren't real but yet science has found things that were once believed a fantasy to be in fact true.  Now what if everything you knew turned out be a fantasy and everything thought to be a fantasy was in fact reality?  What if the myths and legends that global societies have foretold in the past are in fact the real truth?  Tabitha Pike's "People of the Dark" brings forth to light an ancient society but it is not the society that the reader knows.  Ayala, the female protagonist in this story is camping out in the woods after losing a seven year old patient.  Her life is a mystery and not much of her past is known to her or the reader.  While camping out in the woods near her parents old home a shot is heard and she springs into action, being a heart surgeon.  Upon arriving she sees something that can't possibly be real, for how could something that is not known to exist be real?  On the ground lies a strange man named Kendrick.  But Kendrick is not like Ayala or any other human.  He is of a race, one that has existed since the dawn of time.  It is a race whose name has been tainted by the people of our world and one that hides in the shadows, for he is one of the Illuminati.  This race, the true Illuminati is not like the people who hide in the shadows and allegedly put governments into power in our world, they are an ancient, proud and peaceful race.  Their home is hidden to protect their people and they have laws and customs just like mortal men.  Yet the true Illuminati are different as is seen in Ayala's journey throughout the book.  She finds herself falling in love with this young Illuminati named Kendrick and is taken to his homeland under the guise of being his 'mate'.  As Ayala's and Kendrick's feelings for each other grow she goes through an initiation ceremony to become a "Watcher" a group of Illuminati who protect their homeland and watch for Rouges, bad people led by a former child born of an Illuminati male and a breeder female for there are no women among the Illuminati, who is cursed with darkness and hate. Ayala still is unaware of her past and yet when she finds a file of her parents things end up changing for the worse.  Ayala must face her destiny and uncover her past in order to defeat the darkness that threatens to destroy her new family once and for all for if she fails then all will be lost.



The sound of the waterfall soothed my soul. I unpacked my backpack set up my sleeping bag, and started a camp fire. This truly was a secluded place. I was feeling like me again, when I heard a gun shot echo through the trees. I heard a man yell in pain. Something took over my legs. I jumped up and ran toward the sound. When I got close I could see a man laying on the ground bleeding. Another mysterious man in a long black trench coat hovered over him.


I screamed. The dark stranger turned to look at me then he disappeared before my eyes in a shadowy mist. I rubbed my eyes. I must be imaging things. A man could not just disappear. The wounded man was lying on the ground bleeding from his chest. I quickly but cautiously made my way over to the injured man. I was so confused, was I loosing my mind?

After Alleah performs emergency surgery on the dark handsome stranger

I sat by the campfire for a while poking the hot embers with a stick. The thought of the disappearing stranger still plagued my mind. I just could not shake the feeling that something strange was going on. Did I hit my head and fall down the rabbit h***? Or did I take the red pill instead of the blue one? Who knows? I just knew that something was not right. 

I decided to check his vitals again. Everything was normal. I proceeded to check his pupils to see if they were dilated, but when I did, I received the shock of my life. I got to my feet and backed away. Did I just see what I think I did? No Way, I could not have.


I stood about two feet from the stranger laying in the sleeping bag my mind running a hundred miles a minute. I must be dreaming. That was it, I was still asleep. I pinched my arm to find out. “Ouch, I am awake.” Well, maybe I was loosing my mind.


I slowly crouched down beside the stranger again. I had to take another look at his eyes, when my hand was nearly to his lids the stranger open up his eyes. It was just as I expected, I had seen what I though I had seen. It startled me so badly I feel back on the ground beside him.


He let out a loud groan. “Where am I?”


In shock I did not say anything, His eyes still flashing in my mind. He was not human, or was he? His irises where the most brilliant color of green I had ever seen; they were nearly neon green, His large black pupils where shaped as a heart. Finally I shook myself back to reality. It had to be contacts. That’s what it was, contacts. Movie directors used them all the time in their movies.


Hello everyone. I know there are many that are excited about this upcoming book. I figured I would post an update on how far along it is now.

Today, I have gotten to Chapter 17 and more than likely I will have up to Chapter 20 finished by tonight. The story of Alleah and The People of The Dark is coming along great. Every thing is flowing so freely and the story is getting exciting and putting me on the edge of my seat. There is much action, and danger ahead and hopefully I don't get lost in the battle of it all.

Chapters that are completely finished....

Something to Loose

Long Trip Home

The Dark Stranger

Strange Eyes


The True Illuminati



Out of Thin Air

Shocking History

Complete Surrender

Soul Lock



Hidden Secret

Soul Lock


Masquerade  (Which is Chapter 17)

I believe this is one of my best writes yet and this is one book you don't want to miss out on. Hopefully I want have to talk to my editors and move up my deadline date of Dec. 17, 2011 to first of 2012. So far it is coming along great as long as the brain suckers don't put me into a writers block it will be finished by then. Of course after it is finished as a manuscript it will then go to the editors for grammar and spelling correction then to the publisher. After that about 4 weeks and it will be on the shelf so you can get your copy.

Below is a list of all the Watchers in the book, and their abilities. I sure would love to hear your comments on which one you can relate to.

Watchers in "The People of The Dark"

Macabee – previous leader of the Watchers. (deceased from this life)

Appearance = to me he looked like Leggalos from The Lord of the Ring movies, the actor was named Orlando Bloom.

Ability = his word becomes law, produces hammers of war, justice, and law.

Eyes = irises bright purple, black pupil shaped hammer.


Eros – Leader of the Watchers.

Appearance = 6ft tall, dark hair, broad and muscular, a Tom Welling look alike to me.

Ability = power over the heart, compassion, pain, death, and compulsion.

Eyes = irises neon green, black heart shaped pupil.

Trip – Watcher

Appearance = auburn shaggy hair, goatee and mustache, looked like a speak easy poet from the sixties.

Ability = teleportation, travel

Eyes = majestic blue irises, black pupil with a blue compass within them.

Leto - Watcher

Appearance = was a Matthew McConaughey look alike. 6Ft tall, sandy blond hair.

Ability = invisibility

Eyes = irises a burnt Amber color, pupils looked like mirrors.

Gavistha – Watcher (the good twin)

Appearance = long white hair, 5'9, light skin, 185 pounds

Ability = wields light

Eyes = white irises, sun colored and shaped pupil

Jet – Watcher

Appearance = long black hair, pale skin, 6'2, 198 pounds

Ability = paralyze

Eyes = solid black pupils, when his ability is in use the whites of his eyes turn black also.

Bender – Watcher

Appearance = shaggy black hair, 5'5, and 155 pounds.

Ability = hypnotize and reconfigure thoughts and memories

Eyes = black irises with a white hypnotize swirl symbol as the pupil.

Tank – Watcher

Appearance = Van Diesel look alike

Ability = hold memories, control minds, stores information

Eyes = powder pink irises, blue brain shaped pupil

Canaan - Watcher

Appearance = He looked like Robert Downy Jr from Iron Man

Ability = hallucinations, Illusions, teleportation, ability to make someone happy no matter what situation.

Eyes = bright yellow pupils with a black smiley face where pupils belong.

Cloak – Watcher

Appearance = A Mel Gibson Look Alike, when he played on the movie “What women Want.”

Ability = blind someone

Eyes = irises blind blue, black rectangle pupil.

Dagger – Watcher

Appearance = Brad Pitt look alike from the movie “A River Runs Through It.”

Ability = produce knives, daggers, and swords from eyes.

Eyes = gold irises, black dagger shaped pupil

Wynn – Watcher

Appearance = A Mark Wahlberg look alike.

Ability = controls gravity

Eyes = royal purple irises, sky blue gravity symbol pupil

Gem - Watcher

Appearance = Johnny Depp look alike almost like in the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean” without all the pirate gear on.

Ability = crystallizes objects

Eyes = solid red irises, white diamond shaped pupil

Link – Watcher

Appearance = Looks like James Franco from “Flyboys”.

Ability = put life into someone or something with electricity, or kill someone, controls electricity in all manner.

Eyes = electric blue irises, with gold lighting bolt pupil.

Quincy – Watcher

Appearance = looks like Sean Connery.

Ability = controls radio waves, frequencies, and brain waves

Eyes = hunter green irises, with 3 wavy black lines as pupils

Luscious – Watcher

Appearance = looks like Alan Rickman from “Die Hard” movie.

Ability = Illusions, controls fear, and atmosphere.

Eyes = black irises, with white jagged teeth as the pupil, looks like a monster mouth.

Switch – Watcher

Appearance = Harrison Ford look alike from the “Indian Jones” movies.

Ability = change Appearance, shape shift into another human form, and change the Appearance of others as well.

Eyes = irises yellow, green, and blue patchwork, a solid colored pupil that changes color all the time.

Mian – Watcher

Appearance = A Heath Ledger look alike from the movie “10 things I hate about you.”

Ability = Control time, Stop or Slow down time, or completely freeze time. He can freeze individuals in time, as choice others can still move in time.

Eyes = dark brown irises with a white and black time clock pupil.

Hy – Watcher

Appearance = Freddy Prince Jr look alike from the movie “She's all that”

Ability = Sees information that has taken place around the objects, persons or things that he touches or concentrates on.

Eyes = black irises with a streaming line of information like the matrix code but it is not green it is gray symbols and shapes.

Ash – Watcher

Appearance = Matt Dillion look alike from the movie “Bourne Identity”

Ability = Controls fire and heat

Eyes = solid black irises with fiery flames as pupils.

Dusty – Watcher

Appearance = Christian Bale look alike from the “Dark Knight” movie

Ability = turns anything objects, material, including living beings into dust particles.

Eyes = solid gray Smokey irises with a deep darker gray orb pupil with dust swirling around inside of it.

Fubar – Watcher

Appearance = Pierce Brosnan look alike from the movie “Dante's Peak”

Ability = controls all elements of the earth.

Eyes = Yellow irises, with a Green plus sign pupil

Atom – Watcher

Appearance = looks like Hugh Jackman off of the X-men Origins movie

Ability = produces explosions, bombs out of thin air. Controls all atom particles, he can make them do whatever he wills.

Eyes = orange irises, black bomb shape pupil.

Calderon - Watcher

Appearance = Justin Harley look alike the actor that played Green Arrow on Smallville.

Ability = can produce potions, poisons, sleeping gas, mustard gas, and any kind of chemical warfare.

Eyes = rainbow colored irises, with a black Calderon pupil.

Uz – Watcher

Appearance = “The Rock” look alike from the movie “Run Down”

Ability = Can call spirits to battle, turn living into spirits for a time

Eyes = Silver irises with green hologram pupil that changes human ghostlike images.

Sonar – Watcher

Appearance = A Jason Stathman look alike, from the movie “The Expendables”.

Ability = sees a visual picture up to 100 miles away, sonar heat vision, a living being is seen in red.

Eyes = aqua marine irises, with 4 brick red rings moving about each other for the pupil.

Fang = Watcher

Appearance = Charles Divins look alike. Charles Divins is a Tommy Hilfiger model and has appeared in magazines such as GQ, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and Gear.

Ability = transforms into any living animal or can transform into any human, or Illuminati.

Eyes = His entire eyes look like a tiger pattern, black, orange and white.

Ven – Watcher

Appearance = A Tom Cruise Look alike from the movie “Mission Impossible 3”

Ability = controls the universe, makes stars fall, brings heat of the sun, plus navigates.

Eyes = sea green irises, with pulsing red sonar circles in the middle of his irises.

Yates – Watcher

Appearance = looks like Shia Labeouf from the Eagle Eye movie.

Ability = makes energy from thin air, but bending molecules and atoms.

Eyes = navy blue irises, with a light yellow Alrun Viking symbol for energy shaped pupil.

Chaz – Illuminati Spy for the Watchers

Appearance = A Paul Walker look alike, from the movie “Fast and Furious”

Ability = flying, swim like a fish, run faster than light

Eyes = irises a mystic maroon, cosmic cobalt pupil shaped like a . looked like the ace of spades.

Alleah – Female Watcher (human)

Appearance = long brown hair, 5'11, 135 pounds.

Ability = IQ of 230 and is a Doctor.

Eyes = human brown eyes with amber specks in the irises.

Raj- Illuminati, Spy for the Watchers,

Appearance = dark skin, India origin, 150 pounds, 6'1, dark black hair. (human contacts brown eyes.)

Ability = (human gun runner, sales guns to the Rouges) Watcher spy, Informant for the Watchers, Intelligence. Lives in the human world. Also can turn into a dragon.

Eyes = irises red and yellow, black dragon shaped pupil

Voodoo – Illuminati, Watcher Spy

Appearance = looks like Tommy Lee Jones from the movie “Men in Black”

Ability = control people within 20 miles

Eyes= lavender irises, with a brown voodoo doll shaped pupil


In a later blog Tabitha will post the names of the Rouges. Get to know the Characters, some may show up only breifly in the novel and want be a major part of the book. Major Characters are of coures "Alleah, Eros, Trip and a few others."


Stay tune for more updates on this amazing upcoming novel. Everything in the novel so far has been copyrighted along with the Watchers names and abilities. No part of this information may be used in any form at all. It all belongs to Tabitha R. Pike. Plagerism is a crime and punishable by Law.


I think I will be changing Eros' name to something else and the spelling of Alleah will be different, maybe Allaya.

Views: 67

Comment by scribbler on November 9, 2011 at 10:52am

If you were to show us both covers instead of just one, we could share an opinion like you requested. :) There's a Book Excerpts section under the Groups tab too.


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