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'Primal Essences'- Elemental Beauty.
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Personal blog- learning the practice of 'spiritual quietism'.
Images: S.L. Thorburn. Illustrating Woodlands Indigenous Waterworlds. Enfield. September 2015.
Tags: spiritual healing, spiritual scholarship, sentience, humility, elemental essences, spiritual iconography...
Elemental beauty & 'spiritual quietism' surround the enclosed coves of Woodlands Waterworlds. The coral reef is a mortal sanctum & safe-haven for a range of beautiful, elementally rich species. Indigenous beauty is interspersed with the fatal charms of piranhas and endangered species co-existing in macabre proximity...
Waterworlds is a pure sanctum for a diversity of archetypal life-forms, both inviting awe & realistic reserve. My last visit to this native haven was to capture some images for the purposes of developing content for my web base Culture Webs. It is a local aquatic paradise in the north London suburbs, completely burgeoning with natural life. The emotion of 'spiritual quietism' evoked whilst observing and photographing the aquatic livestock is for me completely descriptive of the basis of grounding technique in natural healing. As an author & Reiki Master, I invite this essential primary practice & pillar of spirituality into my everyday life and persona. Being an astute observer of life requires pragmatic reserve and grounding meditation to remain in touch with the reality, complexity & beauty of everyday existence- existentially.
'Spiritual quietism' is a term I have developed to describe the frame of mind most compatible with meditation & therapeutic human empathetic sentience- the central vortex enabling my conceptualisation of Existentialism. The first pillar and element to my own healing system 'sentient light of being' is the practice of meditation and grounding technique, whilst in a spiritually quiet and melancholy frame of mind. It is this radical in touch sense that enables us to self-actualise our potential and to generate our own human resources that determine our approach to self-healing to enable self-help and insights into our own potential and primal spiritual essence...
The primordial beauty co-existing within Waterworlds, Enfield requires a little discernment on the part of the observer. As described in my introductory passage, both predatory species and outstanding elemental beauty flourish in close proximity within this wildlife sanctuary. Establishing a reserved and astute frame of mind is necessary within the practice of 'Spiritual Scholarship'. Spiritual idols of mine include Paramahansa Yogananda and my own Reiki Master/ Instructor 'Dharmadevi'. Spiritual scholarship and dignity is extremely remarkable within the spiritual core of these marvellously eloquent, disciplined individuals. My own system of Existentential healing and 'spiritual quietism' has been developed through the example of some wonderful altruistic spiritual leaders. The core of human sentience I have surmised is purity & simplicity. 'Spiritual quietism', 'spiritual scholarship' and the development of human appreciation for the most important facet to our existence- elemental beauty all require one fundamental skill- our focussed attention. Focussing our attention to one strand, the primal element of light & life requires primarily concentration and the discernment of the rich essence of life itself.
The first pillar to my 'Magna Carta' healing system, (see previous posts) is that of the sentient light of being. Magna Carta Healing concerns egalitarianism and the overcoming of prejudice within ourselves and others. To achieve this elusive skill, we first need to form an awareness of the engulfing life-essence of light & sentience itself that surrounds all natural, primal and elemental beauty; it engulfs equally our practice of focussed spiritual quietism: it is the corpus of Spiritual Scholarship & spiritual iconography.
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