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'Primordial Essences: Walking with the Archetypes & Angels'.

'Primordial Essences:

Walking with the Archetypes and Angels’.

By Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.


An exploration of spirit art and creative synaesthesia.
This blog is an illustrated overview of my new Amazon Kindle title and is my first KDP select eBook!

'Primordial Essences' offers an exploration of both spiritual arts and the concept of creative synaesthesia. The prose is challenging and unconventional, enriched by an avant-garde eclectic approach. The author is an energy healer with an interest in synaesthesia and the paranormal. This eBook odyssey broaches the essence of spiritual graphic arts, with reference links to the author's own visual art works, in context of an interpersonal discussion on the nature of creative synaesthesia. The prose structure is Surrealist in genre and juxtaposes theory with lucid prose illustrations, hinting at the animated characters and creative inspirations of the author's subconscious. The spiritual prose and art explores primal emotions, quests of bravery, unrequited love and intimate personal challenges. The experimental text is based on the dual conceptual themes of personal and fictional odyssey.

Updated: June 2012.

Dragon Hunt Tales.

Cover image:  Dragon Hunt Tales, Stephanie Lynne.

Introductory excerpt:

Spiritual graphic art comprises primordial cultural archetypes evoking the collective unconscious. Channelling inspirational spiritually derived images involves the ability to envision generic essences.  The artwork cultivated in my collection 'Primordial Essences’ is permeated by ancient esoteric symbols and residual cultural mythology.  The work is though, fundamentally interpersonal when perceived by the recipient of each selected piece.  My art is defined by the legacy of my own connection to the conscious world and is a reflection of how I perceive the living experience. The collection explores the parameters of the avant-garde and is characterised by pastel colours, realisations of creatures cast into surreal technicolour, benevolent gods, angels and the super- verse populated by the doyens of our imagination guised as Kings...
Spiritual graphic arts are perhaps the most expressive and therapeutic realisations of art!  The subject matter of one's images need not reflect impressionistic versions of real life, rather elements of our lives transposed into the fictional realm.  This is the liberating sphere where parapsychology and its preoccupations depart from the pedagogic confines of neuroscience and make acquaintance with our dreams and nightmares.  This is the realm where astral projection and near-to death experiences throw scorn on our cultural scepticism and rationality. My spiritual art explores primal emotions, quests of bravery, unrequited love and personal challenges including ill health.  The collection is based on the dual conceptual themes of personal and fictional odyssey.
'Primordial Essences’ presents the viewer with a challenging pictorial journey.  The images require the courage of the perceiver's convictions to step outside the two-dimensional assertions of modern life, towards a post modern abyss of spiritual abandon, dominated by affairs of the heart where intuition, improvisation and instinct form an effusive currency of communication. 
This eBook is dedicated to the International Natural Healers Association: An inspirational organisation, conscientiously promoting natural healing and energy healing therapy.
*  Amazon Kindle edition, June 2012, see Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.:


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