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'Primordial Essences- Walking with the Archetypes'.

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.

September:  Wildlife images:- Copyright to Stephanie Lynne Thorburn. x

In support of Humanitarian Healing webs,

Gaia Earth Webs.

We have been treated to a wonderful plume of wildlife in north London this autumn.  I have enjoyed the company of many woodland indigenous creature, deep within the depths of my own suburbs.  The pastille bio-resonant images in this selection are honed.  As an energy healer, I prime my artwork to evoke a form of 'intra-focal' healing ecology within the spirit of the perceiver.  My wildlife photography is designed to open out the heart of Gaia's conscious mind- she fecund, organic & glorious. 

My images offer still shots of some of my 'animal friends'- not imaginary, tremendously real.  These poised creatures dominate my homelands as vagabond kings & queens of the territories.  I am casting some new mythological personas onto my favourite 'legends' characters. 

Following my image gallery below, I have offered a short prose passage on Kriya Healing Arts.

*Conservation resource links to Darlands Trust & 'Save Me' at base of blog.

  I have written and illustrated many creative works with my bio-resonant Kriya style artwork.  This work is an eternal labour of love.  Being an artist & writer may not even pay for your expenses- yet at least one has a sincere heart!

See: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn: Kindle Titles. x

Image:  The fantastic Mr. Fox- Or Loki- the Pagan God of fire?  My vixen friend has survived several traps set by the humans...

Below: The Kriya Swan- an anachronism from Jurassic Park, or the Kriya Swan who defines the quintessence of Gaia's maternal instincts?


'Primordial Essences: -

Walking with the Archetypes'.


Prose Excerpt:

The Poetics of Spirit Art- S. Thorburn.


In essence- what is Kriya spirit art?

This passage utilises language & lexis, as opposed to merely theory to explore the rich domain of Kriya healing art.


"Spiritual graphic art comprises primordial cultural archetypes evoking the collective unconscious. Channelling inspirational spiritually derived images involves the ability to envision generic essences. The artwork cultivated in my collection is permeated by ancient esoteric symbols and residual cultural mythology. My art is defined by the legacy of my own connection to the conscious world and is a reflection of how I perceive the living experience. The collection explores the parameters of the avant-garde and is characterised by pastel colours, realisations of creatures cast into surreal technicolour, benevolent gods, angels and the super- verse populated by the doyens of our imagination guised as Kings.

The Pagan World Tree conduit of the nine worlds...

Welcome to the energetic symbolic realm of being; idealistic, romantic? The legendary hyperbole of Greek, Gothic & pre-Raphaelite artistic representations do at times surface within this genre.  Yet, primarily free association reigns in energy healing. Kriya art is fundamentally a domain of untamed Surrealism and Existentialism in equal measure!"

* Kriya art is intended as a nascent artistic genre, it is a form of traditional spiritual iconography."

Stephanie Lynne's organic Kindle titles are a labour of love.  Books include:

"Spiritual Iconography- Existential Masters"


"Divine Harmonics- Kriya Healing Arts"- see

See: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn: Kindle Titles.



Image:  Refined Kriya Swan.


Recommended Links:

Darlands Wildlife TrustSupport Darlands, Woodside Park.


(Images in this collection represent vignette portraits of the Darlands....)


'Save Me'- Wildlife Rescue.

Offering voice to wildlife- Dr. Brian May & friends.

 I have just re-explored Brian May's 'Save Me' Trust website.

This organisation opposes fox hunting & the culling of badgers.

Save Me also offer support to a range of diverse humane linked causes internationally to raise awareness of

ivory trade, legislation on puppy farming & environmentally friendly conservation issues.


Image:  The Kundalini Butterfly- representing the unification of Gaia & humanity's potential!


Namaste:  Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.  September 2018.

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