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'Primordial Quintessence': Soulful Refractions.

Healing Humanity.  'Responsible soulful refractions...'

'Primordial Quintessence'.

Encapsulating Spiritual Foundations.

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.

Tags:  primordial, foundations, heat, light, warmth, quintessence, spirituality, humanity, healing, soul, renaissance

am busy working on my 'Magna Carta' healing & can affirm that my next chapter will be titled:  "The Human Fellowship- Feminine Quintessence".  This will form a series of articulated concepts on the art of Spiritual Scholarship & principles of reciprocity.  I am amicably exploring notions of spiritual gurus, idolatry & spiritual worship.  The construct is definitely linked to our Jungian human legacy & cognitive processes...

Today- I am simply posting the second image & symbol in my 'humanity healing' sequence.  It is an encapsulated image of perhaps Archangel Michael?  This is Kirlian and actually an image of refraction constructed from myself.  To recap from my previous blog: -

Magna Carta Healing Principles:  Personally, I feel that Magna Carta my spiritual healing system is fundamentally reminiscent of a Chaucerian traditional pilgrimage- it is a pilgrimage into the heart and soul of healing & the principles of healing humanity as we face some troubles social transitioning times....  For those who would like to learn and engage with the key facets and principles-  The first symbol is that of grounding and light in establishing  a vocabulary of fertile spiritual foundations.  Today's featured image is intended as a notion of resonant spiritual reciprocity & renaissance.  I am nurturing the renaissance of spirituality within soul.  The image is based upon an encapsulation of sanctum, protection and safety;  it constitutes a personal spiritual guide: -  so to effectively summate, the first salient pillar in my Magna Carta:  Humanity Healing is related to skills of engagement and spiritual awakening- equated with Kundalini.  The second step is the renaissance of spirituality within soul and the identification of guidance & self-empowerment.  My third pillar and symbol as expressed above will address the ability to communicate spiritual concepts and the importance of nourishing reciprocal human contact..

*  I hope you all resonate well with 'Primordial Quintessence'- my symbol of personal protection & my personal soul guider depicted above.  Image:  Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.  June 2015.

Blessings and light to the fellow authors community. 

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Stephanie Lynne's profile on World Metaphysical Association:-

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