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hey guys...hai,ive been working on a book for the past one year..i take my time to write it cause its my real book i want to have published..the first one?? really sell all across borders.I dont think there any editors or publishers in my country africa..i dont know what step to take really guys cause its giving me a real draw back and my motivational spirit might decline..i still cant give up writing cause its a gift i have..atlist thats what i believe??

any way...i have this problem..ive lost someone that gave me ideas about my book..a person that contributed to my writing..bad and just came out perfect...still sure there times when we write what we it fictional..atlist there is an attachment to it right..i recently lost my best friend and my boy friend the perfect first..its hard of me to write but at the same time easy cause there so many emotions much expressions to make a good book..i just dont know..will such be affecting my writing??how do i post atlist a part of my book..i would love to get views from my fellow authors.shanziwe.

Views: 37

Comment by ss awasthy on July 6, 2010 at 12:39pm
you are welcome to share your work with me. i will bw more than happy to read and advice if necessary
Comment by Garry Edward Lewis on July 11, 2010 at 3:14pm
HI Shanziwe! I hope you found the help you were looking for. I went with a self publisher my self as I found it difficult to find a literary agent who would consider my fictional work. So for my fantasy thriller I chose a self Publishing company. They have differant priced publishing packages. They will also set you up with distribution of your book on Amazon and Amazonuk. As they offer Global distribution as well. This is one option you might want to check into.
Comment by Angelina Ross on July 27, 2010 at 3:43am
Everyone who writes has a certain feel for what they are writing. Take your emotions and put them to paper. Don't give up writing if you feel it is in you. I self-published my first novel and it was not easy. Writing and creating a story are the easiest part. It's getting it known that is the trick. I have many different sites with my profile on it. This is so I can meet other authors and get their advice. It is also good for marketing your writing. You can go to and create a profile their. It will allow you to post your work as you write it or all if it's finished. You will have people from all around the world look at your work and some will leave comments. I also found that contests will help you to see what you need to work on. A lot of contests will help you to show editors and publisher what you are about. I hope you have the best of luck with your writing.
Comment by shanziwe mugwagwa on December 6, 2010 at 1:38pm
thank you guys...been away for a while..but am back naw....will lay out some of what i have been working on.... thnkz alot for the comments....


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