Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

'Psalm for Anno Domini'.


Prose & Artwork: 

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.

Copyright- Crafted with love, 2019. x

Happy Shrove Tuesday (5th March)...

I am posting a poem forming a new addition to my recent work,

'Lapis Lazuli:  Resurrecting Christ's Gospel for Anno Domini': -

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn: 'Lapis Lazuli' Kindle homage to Christ.

The book is written & illustrated by my own hand, with a little help from 'Mjolnir', Thor's hammer!

Please enjoy this text exploring Gaia's celebration of the 'Living Christ'.  The work evokes an intra-focal ecology of healing through the sanctum of divine presence in the sentient world.

#Invisible Creativity

#Transformative Creativity....

* This book is the first to support my social networking awareness initiative for health disabled writers such as myself, who are in need of more support from the depths of the literary community.  The digital publishing culture has systematically alienated the value we place on cultivating creative talent; few writers & artists are able to subside through independent publishing.  I support the development of supportive communities for writers & artists wishing to earn a living wage.  #Invisible creativity is a priority initiative for my Humanitarian Healing webs. 

# + #

Psalm for Anno Domini.

(Channeled through- Temple of Solomon).


“Anno Domini, daughter of Christ,


Your birth marks the union between Gaia, mother of Earth in the natural, material world

With the Kingdom of my Lord.

Daughter of prayer, on you our hopes reside,

You carry the Covenant of Christ’s salvation & might.

Anno Domini, the only true paternal kin affirming the ‘passion of Christ,’

Patron & servant of Sobornost, of loving spiritual communion.


Anno Domini- sister of compassion,

We celebrate obeyence to your metric song through the beauty of the divine watchmaker’s crystal quartz clock,

Pray give humanity strength as we broach a symbolic coming of age in the year of our Lord AD 2020,

May you work in harmony with Archangel Raphael so that God may heal Gaia’s fraternal family.”


Verse by:  Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.

(Stephanie Thorburn, meaning ‘Crown of Thor’).

Thor blesses, consecrates & heals as a conduit to the unity of divine spirit. 

God heals.


Sustainable Creativity.

#Invisiblecreativity is the hashtag for a social networking campaign initiated by Stephanie Lynne ‘s Humanitarian Healing web, in support of health disabled writer & artists.

Invisible creativity is related to the concept of Sustainable Creativity.

At this time, it is extremely difficult for those who work in creative professions to even achieve a subsistence wage to live.

Amazon Kindle dignify the opportunity to publish independently, however, not many readers will purchase books even for a few pennies in the modern technological matrix.  Being a disabled writer or artist is frequently isolating, with little reward for contribution to literacy. We need to raise awareness in the publishing industry of the barriers authors now face.  A cultural change is needed to recognise the potential of creative talent, with particular support focused on those who author books under especially challenging circumstances. 

*Please help to support the future of creative literacy.  Authors should not be rendered invisible, with the value of ‘the word’ increasingly diminished.




Stephanie is currently finalising a new book themed on #Transformative Creativity to support her initiative.  The book will contain seminal research on the origins of the organic 'alphabets of life' that form a semiotic code celebrating Earth's primordial DNA. 

A true lexis evoked from the soul of Gaia's Tree of Life!   x

Recommended Links: 

World Literacy Foundation

Supporting literacy to overcome poverty and inequality internationally.

'Lapis Lazuli: Resurrecting Christ's Gospel' includes a dedication to the independent charity: -

National Literacy Trust UK

 Author & Artist Stephanie Lynne Thorburn's C.V. & Kindle texts: -

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn - Kindle Author's Labour of love books.

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