Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

I've decide to seek out a Literary Agent. I'm posting my Query Letter with the hope that my friends will be brutally honest in their opinions of it.

(Hook -a one or two line catch

Facing a life of servitude after a friend’s betrayal, Blue Pergamum, sets out on a dangerous journey to find the father that will protect her, while unwittingly falling into a vengeful plot to destroy him.


(Book-150 words summing up the story)

The doting daughter of an aging sea captain, 14 yr. old Blue longs for adventure. Her father, Perseus, is dead set against it, refusing to see Blue as more than a child. Angrily departing for his ship, he leaves her brooding until a summons to Jasper Castle arrives. Thrilled at the prospect, once there, all is not as Blue had imagined when Lady Rebbecca, tyrannical daughter of Lord Wolf, accuses Blue of thievery. Unwilling to accept a sentence of servitude, Blue escapes with frenemy Rebbecca, who sees the departure as a way out of an unwanted betrothal. Together, they embark upon a journey that leads them into the clutches of a maniacal pirate set on revenge. When he discovers Blue to be the daughter of his nemesis, he contrives to turn her to him. Now Blue must save her father, herself and the girl that could still ruin her life.

(Cook- Selling the author, credentials, what ‘s next, bragging)

Writing began for me in Jr. High School, where I contributed to the school’s news paper and published several modest works in their annual poetry book.  My desire to write was then relegated to a box in the closet as I entered a junior college with a major in fine arts. It wasn’t until at age 30, a single mother of two, that I joined a group of performers and acrobats, contributing story lines and scripts to many of their productions. To date, I have recently self published my first completed YA novel, The Pirate’s Daughter And A King’s Ransom. A reviewer from Manic Readers writes; “This book had me captivated by the second page. This is a fantastic read and highly recommended.” I have begun the sequel  but have put it aside to work on another modern day fantasy, Girl In The Mermaid Tail. I was inspired to write this when I attended a mermaid convention in Las Vegas. I also have an incomplete manuscript, an adult sci-fi  romance involving time travel, that I intend to finish.




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