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Elemental, that is the way I would describe this read. “Green Eyes, Black Heart” has many different elements to it. It is multi-faceted, and that translates into one excellent read. The synopsis will give you the gist of the story, but understand that the layers in this are seemingly more than an onion but all of them are nicely tied together at the end. For me it was like R.W. Doyen took a pane of glass, dropped it, and then took his time, painstakingly putting it back together, one shard at a time, until the pane was whole, nary a crack visible. Great stuff, awesome read, I cannot say enough good about this read.
Right now until month’s end you can get this as part of Trestle Press buy one get free promotion. R.W. Doyen is a great example of why they put the promo together. This is an author that has very strong work, is looking for an audience and is hungry to meet his readers and begin a dialogue with them. No bones about it, he wants you as a reader. Take advantage of the promotion, pick up “Green Eyes, Black Heart” and reap the benefits. The reads keep coming, which ones do you want?
Here is the synopsis:
“ Sandra gracefully charmed her way into men's hearts using her beauty and her brilliantly flashing green eyes. She used them both as bait to lure her victims even closer. She used her sex like a sharply honed dagger and when her prey discovered the trap and struggled to get free, she struck with deadly consequence. The road of Sandra's life is strewn with the corpses of those who loved her, or simply got in her way.
The green of her eyes could never overshadow the blackness of her heart . Doctor Bemis was not taken in by her charm , nor did he fear her almost cost him his life . “
R.W. Doyen’s Bio:
“R.W. Doyen is an author, a business owner, an every man’s man, but above all else, he is a father and husband. Life’s everyday, tedious routines and small issues often get in the way of what’s important, family. If anyone can attest to this, Doyen can. He experienced the ultimate horror any father can ever face, his daughter came home to tell him that she was brutally attacked and raped.
R.W. Doyen graduated from the University of Maine and then from the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine in Philadelphia. For twenty-four years, he practiced podiatry in Towanda, Pennsylvania. He relocated to North Carolina, founded a sea wall construction company, and began to write about this devastating episode in his life.
Years later, after the pain had lessened and the fear began to slightly subside, R.W. Doyen decided to write about the family tragedy. What has transpired is a fictional representation based on true events of what a father feels after his daughter has been a victim of sexual assault. It is a story of fear, vengeance, law and hope. It is a story of what a family goes through when the most precious gift and blessing of a father and mother, a child, is assaulted and raped. It is a story of A Father’s Anguish.”
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