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Hi everyone,

It's been a long time since I've visited I have been extremely busy with my writing. Here is a quick update.

I write what I call 'real-life fiction.' I take pieces of my life and that of others and then add in some fiction that results in a realistic sounding fiction tale that most will relate to.

In 2012 my 2009 self-published book, Sensitivity 101 ... the Search for Acceptance, was picked up a publisher after selling over 3000 copies. They changed the title to Misguided Sensitivity and developed a new cover for it. It is also available as an audiobook and E-book now too. Here it is ...


To refresh your memory it is the beginning of a lifelong journey of discovery that a young boy of divorce takes while searching for acceptance and happiness.

The same publisher also produced my second book, Life Is a Balance, in early 2013. This is the second leg of the journey from Misguided Sensitivity. It also is available as an audiobook and E-book.

Both of these books were awarded The Gold Standard of Literary Excellence by The Princeton Review.

Here is the cover.

I then took up the production of my own books and covers. I was able to release 4 more titles. All have a common theme of divorce and how it affects those involved, expecially the children.

Here are their covers and a brief description.

First I was told by many reviewers that Misguided Sensitivity could be used as a training manual for teenage boys to learn how to treat females if it was 'cleaned up' a bit. So I did and released it as You're Never Alone. It is a YA version of the same story told by a teenager about his so-called life.

Then came my story about how great-grandparents can influence a young boy's life. Legends of the Lake tells the stroy of a far-away retreat where that young boy learns many life lessons from the people around him every summer as he grows up.












A  romance novel inspired by how the people from your past can help you when you're down and out, even when you don't remember them at first, allowed Amore & More in Albuquerque to be written.














Finally, another real-life fiction novel. This one is about how a young teenager who goes thorugh his parent's divorce turns to horse racing as an escape only to find out what really can happen if you're not careful. The Other Side of Horse Racing chronicles his adventures.














 I am working on my 5th self piublished book right now. It is tentatively titled, The Sengers Of Stiritz, and is a fictional account of a family history of coal mining back in the early days of Williamson County Illinois. I am hoping for a July release date.

If you'd like to see reviews of all these books please check out my website,

Hopefully I will be able to visit more often.

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