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Hello Everyone,

I'm Jewel Tyler, author of, The Skin I'm In - An Intimate Journey With God - first book in a two part series.

The story is not based on preaching the Word of God, but a story of a woman's life.

"In this day and time, people find it difficult to believe miracles, divine healing, prophetic dreams and visions are still in existence. We endure spiritual warfare every day. How does one overcome the attacks of the enemy? My walk has carried me through many trials and tribulations that many have experienced in their life. How did you overcome? Are you still stuck there in pain, anguish and suffering from depression from the enemy? Being transparent has allowed me to admit and share I have endured verbal as well as physical abuse, death of loved ones, temptations of the world as a whole; during what I like to call my valley times. Through it all, I walked away victorious! I am an over comer, an achiever, a dreamer, visionary and wonderfully made daughter of God." 

It has amazed me the responses I have received thus far. My book was released on 4/11/2013. To my surprise, my audience of readers has been primarily outside of the United States!

It is a great feeling to know my book is reaching all corners of the world and touching and helping as well as blessing the lives of other people!


Views: 40

Comment by Kay Elizabeth on May 9, 2013 at 3:02pm

Hi Jewel, welcome and congrats on your book! Please visit our How did you find your way to us thread on the forum and introduce yourself there to the members. (No duplicate content please). We encourage everyone to give back to the community by participating and helping each other here as much as possible.


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