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                                            Corruption of the heart

                                                will pry us apart

                                           The sinning of the soul

                                              will devour you whole


                                 Demented rage that embellishes within you

                                               will condemn me too

                                         Is that what you want it to do?

                                                The affection is fading

                                        and my devotion to you is waning

                             You gaze upon me with the eyes of a stranger

                              that is how I know our romance is in danger.

                                 you massacered the innocence within you

                                    and even risked the death of mine too

                                       Is that what you intended  to do?

                                 This burden has caused my heart to cry

                                 My conscience demanding to know why

                               I have given you my internal world to keep

                           You have mistreated it, and for that alone, I weep

                                The fragments of my heart are left askew

                because of the trecherous deeds that had befallen upon you

                             but of course, isn't that what you hoped to do?

                              My heartache moans in sorrow as I lament

                              begging in my skull that you'll just repent

                               Only god up above could hear my pleas

                        so utterly, heartwrenching it brings me to my knees

                            Your spiteful acts, and deeds so entirely cruel

                                              Isolates me from you

              But you and I both know, thats EXACTLY what you wished to do

              No matter how high pitched and harrow my screams impact the air

        with a countenance of a coldhearted stranger, you'll turn away without a care

                                   That is what causes my tears to shed

                      Are your sinful fantasies more enticing within your head?

                      The Death of our unity was what you proceeded to do

                                 and in horrid redemption, I alienated you

                             As you weep now, I hope you owned the clue


                                         I, as well, can be a sinner too

Views: 63

Comment by Garry Edward Lewis on October 4, 2012 at 11:31am
I loved it Betty! Fading love such a sad thing, I liked it because it was dark, yet inticing, the emotions spoke volumes. A love that was taken advantage of, the promise of what could have been, the betrayal of a love so true. The taste of what was so sweet, now bitter to the memory of what was or could have been.
Comment by Danny(jaxie) on November 13, 2012 at 11:54pm

love it like no other.

another great success sis

Comment by Betzy Crypt on February 3, 2013 at 7:43am

Thanks you guys. Love you both soooooooo much. lol hugs and kisses tou you both Jaxie and Garry. Where would i be without u???


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