Like cow paths meandering through pastures, ideas for the sequel have been moving along. I can only get so far with ideas while the school year is still in session. I get into my groove and then—WHAM—I have to grade papers or plan for a substitute while I've been proctoring AP and IB exams. The seniors finish tomorrow, and then I have until June 6 before the year ends. I hope to get into the outlining more once I can focus my attention on the details that really will make this sequel go forward. This time, I'm leaning more toward a darker, Lovecraftian tone, with elements that carry a singular resonant storyline along with a few plot lines criss-crossing at prescribed places, and now that I have established the abilities and backgrounds of the main characters, I feel confident of the foundation. But, changes will come. I like upsetting the status quo. ;)
In a utopian world, I could take a long weekend and go to a cabin on a mountaintop to write, undisturbed, until this next book is finished. Well, my current world is hardly ideal for writing, so it'll involve ekeing out a few moments here and there until June 6 to get the gears a-grinding. When school's out, I'll just lock myself away in my office. And not leave until I've generated thousands of words. That's the plan, anyway.
Having this yearning to finish the sequel of Task Force: Gaea has really kept my mind revving. I feel like one of those toy cars you pull back and pull pack to wind up, and when you set it down, it speeds away. I'm ready to speed! I can see the road before me opening up, leading me just where I need to be, and the images, concepts, and plot elements just keep circulating around my mind. Soon, David, soon.
I may do a little reading while I'm writing, something about Cthulhu. Ever since I came across this Lovecraft entity back when I played Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, I've become intrigued by the mystical and primordial energy emanating from him. Now, I won't be using Cthulhu specifically, although I do like his monstrous appearance, but I want the underworld to be a much more horrific place this time. I think that's why I want this second book to be darker, more chthonic. Once time befriends me once more, I'll go into more detail.
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