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I see a storm coming..

it rages over me,

entices me,

toying and playing with me

I try to break free...

It's hold it to strong.

I surrender and embrace it fully knowing i will suffer..

tension builds....

I ponder..

feeding it angrily.

So much anguish stirs and a calmness swells in my eyes

It trickles downmy left cheek..

I taste its salt.

Alas, the storm with its fierce rage has relaxed as

sadness overcomes me.

Hilary Wreidt Thompson

written: August 11, 2011

Views: 51

Comment by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on April 6, 2012 at 10:56pm

This is how I feel sometimes when overwhelmed with stress or a raging storm, which must alway come to a calm.


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