Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

There are some simple ways of promoting a book today, whether it has been published by traditional means, self published or an ebook. Writing a book is only one part of having a successful selling book, no matter how good the content is in the book, how interesting and how appealing the artwork. 

Before the Internet, the largest way to promote a book was by doing book signings, or getting interviewed, which in many cases was unavailable to the unknown author. All that has changed with the Internet were anyone can have their own voice, with a website and social networking.

This includes places like Twitter, FaceBook, MySpace, and others, where the writer can promote their book for millions of web surfers who can read about what the book offers the reader. It can go further than just these sites where the writer can promote their book, they can have a website with reviews from readers that have purchased their book, or give out copies of their book or ebook specifically for reviews.
One of the other things that writers can do on the Internet is to place excerpts from their book for the public to read, this can help the reader decide to purchase the book. This is something that was difficult in the past to do without having access to journalists, which is one reason why the first time author might not have had success right away if at all.
A writer can have one of the most exciting books, well written, great artwork and if they cannot reach the public the book will not sell with as much success as it could. The different networking sites, a personal website and other places that help the writer that promotes their book gives the author a voice to reach readers.
Competition is something that every author has, whether they believe it or not, this is one of the things that the author needs to realize. They do not have the only book of their genre, and how competition is handled is one of the things that should make the author realize how important promotion is for their book. Even authors that have many books under their belt, and that have expensive agents representing them still promote their books. They might be seen on television, but it is also not unusual for them to promote their book on the Internet, this is because it is a guaranteed way to reach more people than any other method of book promotion.
The writer that does not have the advantage of being a well known author has the same chance on the Web as the more accomplished writer, because there are the same advantages. The same social networking sites, the same advantage to have their own website and to reach the same amount of web surfers.


Views: 59

Comment by Garry Edward Lewis on January 25, 2011 at 1:18am
I agree! promote,promote,promote,exposure,exposure,exposure, the internet is your best friend. I believe blogs are especially great for exposing your work, what ever that may be. Garry
Comment by Mark A. Santomieri on February 1, 2011 at 3:31am

Hey all,

Indeed I agree. . .promote, promote and promote some more. I now have Free Clinic in five different libraries. . .this is a good source of generating exposure. I took to my extended network of friends, supporters and family to insure that the work is out there. Currently, it is in the Augusta County library system in Virginia, The Broward County Library system in Florida,  is coming to the Glendale library in Arizona, further currently in process in the Solano Country system in California and hopefully soon in Illinois. So far, this seems to be a relatively nice way to market one's book(s), as it generates interest in the marketing categories one whishes to approach.


Comment by David Bowman on February 10, 2011 at 10:39pm

Based on what I have seen on Twitter, MySpace, and various blogs, the most successful users of these technologies do not promote their books. Rather, they discuss the ideas and topics found in the book.

For example, the author of a self-help book on relationships (can you say "strong competition"?) discusses relationship issues. The author of a fantasy series discusses trends in the genre. And so forth.

Personally, I get almost no mileage on Twitter from tweets about my books, but tweets about writing strategies are commonly re-tweeted, bringing in new followers.


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