Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

All the books at Smashwords, an online store, have a 75% discount in the sale from the 1st to the 31st of July. The books can be downloaded from Smashwords in any format for all types of readers, EBUB, MOBI (kindle), PDB etc.
Some of my romantic historical novels, published by BooksWeLove Inc, set in the reigns of Edward II, Queen Anne Stuart 1702-1714 and the ever-popular Regency era are on my Smashwords page.
My other novels which are also on special offer are: Sunday’s Child, Monday’s Child, False Pretences, Tangled Love and Yvonne, Lady of Cassio from:
Each of my novels have modern themes, for example, in The Captain and The Countess, an older lady is wooed by a younger gentleman; in Sunday’s Child a veteran of the Napoleon suffers from posttraumatic stress syndrome, (a condition not diagnosed at that time), and the heroine in False Pretences is desperate to trace her parents.
I am delighted by many 5* reviews of my romantic historical fiction on Amazon.
If you enjoy my novels, I would be grateful for a review.
To find out more about me and my books please visit my website.

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