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At last my Second Draft is finished and I have also re-read it and done my final editing. Whew it has only taken a year to do but to be honest it was worth it. As I was writing my second draft I had begun to wonder if I really needed to write the next three books in the series. Well that question got answered that night as the titles popped into my head and the end of book 4 appeared to me. Which is brilliant don’t get me wrong, so next I was thinking that’s great all I have to do now is write book 2, 3 and 4, again when I was trying to sleep (I must stop asking myself questions before going to sleep) my book characters started to talk to me and he would not stop until I had wrote down what he wanted to say so for the need of sleep I dragged myself out of bed grabbed my notebook and pen and wrote his information down. 

So this character is a new character that will be introduced in book 2 along with a lot more characters who have been visiting me and introducing themselves. Some thankfully have been doing this during the day though most have decided they also like the last waking moments time for their introductions. I must have a word with them later about that!

So book 1 is finished and I have sent it off . Now comes the nail biting, feeling sick time, as I wait in hope to hear back with hopefully joyous news. Wish me luck 

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