Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
'Spiritual Iconography: The Existentialist Masters'.
Walking with the Archetypes of Soul.
Art & Prose by: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
An exploration of the archival eBook trove of author & Kirlian artist:
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Wishing all my fellow author friends a wonderful Christmas and New Year 2018!
Please enjoy the artwork and prose featured in my special edition holiday period blog. Links to all works included via Kindle, with two wonderful humanitarian featured causes placed at the base of text.
The new-humanist work of writer Stephanie L. Thorburn resonates with the collective predicament of Gaia Earth and human kind alike. The narrative insights of the author illuminate the insularity, fragility and potential transience of humans. Persistent themes evoked through the humanistic vignettes counterbalance our uncertain age of practical and philosophical crises, with the warmth and sustenance of the human spirit.
Stephanie Lynne's integration of spiritual and cultural insights transcends the narrow determinism of the modern pessimistic milieu. She presents a contribution of work that is both practical and creative. Yet, there is a pervasive sense of spiritual bitterness and social anomie motivating the evolution of each portfolio work. The author suggests a social departure from deep dependence on passé mores and modes of thought, evoking a profusion of practical, emotional and didactic resources. The author's catalogue of work seeks to illuminate fundamental human truths and offers inspiration, hope and unity.
The multimodal collection of illustrated digital texts by S.L. Thorburn is personally engaging, whilst motivated by an active social and ethical conscience. Throughout the 'progressive etudes' human enigma series, the precepts of transformational humanism and the discovery of abstract human truths form paradoxical maxims. Human potential, quintessence and Jung's archetypes pervade this catalogue of work- the uniqueness of which is defined through the observation that 'body, mind & spirit' we are all an integral part of a conscious cultural nexus that interconnects the social to the personal.
The intention of Stephanie Lynne's labour of love works is simply to liberate, inspire, entertain, inform and to contribute practical, emotional resources. Each vignette evokes light and hope for the future...
Image: Egyptian- 'prana' & re-birth.
'Spiritual Lexis: The Poetics of Spirit'.
Author & artist: Stephanie L. Thorburn.
-An illustrated personal odyssey on Spiritual Arts & Reiki Healing Art Forms. A reflective etude on Reiki healing, complete with spiritual art illustrations inspired by Greek mythology. Accompanying the artwork, there is a short, second passage exploring the genre of Spiritual Graphic Arts.
Excerpt: The Poetics of Spirit Art.
"Spiritual graphic art comprises primordial cultural archetypes evoking the collective unconscious. 'Channelling' inspirational spiritually derived images involves the ability to envision generic essences. The artwork cultivated in my collection 'Primordial Essences’ is permeated by ancient esoteric symbols and residual cultural mythology. My art is defined by the legacy of my own connection to the conscious world and is a reflection of how I perceive the living experience. The collection explores the parameters of the avant-garde and is characterised by pastel colours, realisations of creatures cast into surreal technicolour, benevolent gods, angels and the super- verse populated by the doyens of our imagination guised as Kings.
Welcome to the energetic symbolic realm of being; idealistic, romantic? Not necessarily- free association reigns. This is a domain of untamed Surrealism and Existentialism in equal measure!"
Spiritual Lexis- Sample Kindle work: Stephanie Lynne.
"Spiritual Iconography: Existentialist Masters Collection".
Released December 2017. Special Kindle Edition.
Author & artist: Stephanie L. Thorburn.
Welcome to the Existentialist Masters Collection of Gaia Earth iconography. Authored as a sincere labour of love work, author & artist Stephanie Lynne Thorburn has captured a selection of existential portraits representing Mother Earth’s finest hours. A ‘four seasons’ succinct collection of ecologically resonant vignettes. This short etude is in support of the author’s own artwork and natural, organic affinity with conservation.
The prose element to this title encapsulates a tantalising overview of forthcoming title: “Existentialist Exoscience”- from the seminal Fibonacci Series. This work harmonises the previously juxtaposed domains of spirituality & existentialism holistically. Existentialism as we shall see, presents humanity with ultimate sanctum- the sanctum of surrender and acknowledgement of our most fundamental fears; mortality, social anomie, sentience and abandon, entropy and chaos are all inherent themes.
Healing Humanity?
'Dialectical Conversations with Mother Earth'...
Appeasement is found in homage to Gaia- offering the disenfranchised human heart a conduit towards re-connection with natural law. This work lovingly opens out a constructive dialectical 'conversation' with Mother Earth through the omnipotence of spiritual semiotics. A nuanced collection, integrating spirit art & poetic prose.
Gifted to bohemian free spirits!
Spiritual Iconography- Existentialist Masters.
Tags: Creativity, spirituality, Surrealism, Jung, avant-garde, primal art, phenomenology.
'Divine Harmonics: Kriya Krishna Healing Arts'.
Released December 2017, via Kindle.
By Author & Artist- Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Image: Magnum Opus, the Kundalini butterfly.
Precis: A Prism of Light & Hope-
Kriya Healing Arts.
This work is a succinct, spiritually replete vignette. Images are cultivated in reflection of divine quintessence present in the living biosphere of Gaia.
Kriya healing arts are life sustaining; Kriya Krishna arts are a growing family tree of holistic modalities, supporting the Kriya yogic pathway of meditation. Spiritual Forefathers of these nascent arts are Paramhansa Yogananda & Bhagavan Krishna.
Kriya art celebrates intelligent design in nature. Kriya healing is a conduit to re-connection, communicating with lexis of archetypal symbolism. Kriya art nourishes creativity and compassion to ensure emancipation of divine soul. Kriya Krishna healing pervades ancient wisdom. Spiritual, transpersonal, unerringly present, yet elusive. Illustrations are bathed in fecund harmonious spiritual iconography, derived from 'prana'- life force energy.
- The text includes theory & etymology of Kriya art. Complementary precepts of Kriya Reiki healing are illuminated. Educational links and references are integral to this etude.
Spiritual dedications: The Universal Light, Paramhansa Yogananda's Self-Realisation Fellowship, founded 1920, Sobornost (Fellowship of St. Alban.)
The notions of ‘humanism’ and ‘holism’ are explored throughout.
Divine Harmonics: Kriya Healing Arts.
Author/ Artist:
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn
Kindle art & prose catalogue:
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn Kindle Page.Antiphospholipid Syndrome.
APS Support, see:
"Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), sometimes known as Hughes syndrome and, more colloquially, as ‘sticky blood’, is an autoimmune disease which affects the blood and its ability to clot. An overactive immune system produces antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) which cause the blood to clot too quickly both in veins and arteries. The condition is linked to increased risk of miscarriage and stroke.
The APS Society offer educational courses and are undertaking further research & fundraising initiatives currently to improve the quality of life of those living with APS.."
Author Stephanie Lynne Thorburn supports APS research and has a form of Lupus- (a condition frequently associated with 'sticky blood syndrome').
- Please learn more about APS and consider helping the APS Society UK.
Thank you!
**Stephanie Lynne's message of hope.
"I trust that my creative works may simply inspire other patients living with Lupus and APS syndromes. Together we may ultimately realise the grail of a life of less suffering, with replete treatments, diagnosis and more compassionate medical insights still much needed."
Stephanie Lynne.
*Special Thanksgiving: to The Universal Light for your unfaltering support and belief in me!
Thank you to Bishop Don Hauck for inspiration- you are now integral to the spiritual genealogy & Forefathers
of the nascent trilogy of 'Kriya Krishna Healing Arts'. Special dedication cited in: "Divine Harmonics" Dec 2017.
Below: TUL Ministry Cert. for Stephanie Lynne Thorburn - "Humanitarian Education". (11th Dec 2017).
- New year vow? Humanitarian education & healing. x
Environmental Cause: Bodhi Tree Foundation.
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