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Hey everyone, I was just posting this to ask you to please sponsor a child. My wife and I are both sponsors through Child Fund. We sponsor 2 little girls from India. A 12 year old and a 10 year old. You'd be truly amazed at how much $28/month can do for these children and I know that being a child sponsor is one of the best things that I've ever done. It makes you feel so good about yourself knowing that you are making a huge difference in a child's life. I am very satisfied with Child Fund and I highly recommend it to all of you. You receive updates, you can write and receive letters from your child, and you can visit your child. So all I'm asking, is please atleast look into it for these children. Thank you all, Phillip Christoffersen


P.S. The website is

Views: 25

Comment by Brian on September 3, 2011 at 1:00am
I already sponsor a 15 year old young man from Mali through Plan USA. It is a blessing and a grateful feeling to be able to do your part as you can in this world. I enjoy it every time I receive a picture from him, a letter from him, and when I write a letter and send pictures to him. It also has me thanking my lucky stars that I live in the freest land in the world. It truly reminds me that my life and journeys are not that bad considering what other nations are going through!


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