Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Q1: Thanks for participating in our Spotlight Interview series Rusty! Please introduce yourself and your book to help our readers get to know you.
A: Let me begin by introducing myself. I'm Rusty Blackwood, a self-published author of three titles to date and my fourth is expected for release shortly. My first two were published in 2009: Feelings: A Rhythmic Journey in Thought, a collection of traditional and contemporary poetry, and my 2nd publication, a collection of short stories for children, as well the young at heart entitled Young Minds. I ventured into mainstream fiction with my 3rd publication in 2010, my debut novel, Passion in Paris: Connections to the Past which I began writing in 2001 and is the first in the Passion in Paris story, an adult romance/drama set in Paris at the dawn of the 21st century which revolves around star-crossed lovers, Joy Wychmere & Cullen Malone, who are caught in an unsuspecting web of deceit and treachery which leave them fighting for their life. The second part: Passion in Paris: Directions of the Heart came out in May, and picks up where the first leaves off.
Q2: Please explain how you came to be a writer, what inspired you to write your book(s) and how long it took.
A: I've always loved descriptive word. Throughout the years I wrote poetry for both pleasure, as well the therapy it provided through some very hard times. I became a serious writer in 2001 when I began writing the story of Passion in Paris. I'm a romantic at heart, still, and forever will believe in love ever-lasting and soul-mates who bond for eternity. This was the main bases for the story as well the desire to express my feelings in word. I have always loved Paris, even though I've yet to visit the beautiful City of Light in person I often feel I have; through research for the book I now feel as if have; but I do plan to one day visit.
Q3: What did you enjoy most about creating this book?
A. I feel it was the opportunity to truly express myself in total; my love of 'love', the need for expression between two souls who are truly connected in every possible way.
Q4: What facets of your life, both personal and professional, are woven into your book, if any?
A. I've been asked this question different times and I would have to admit to a certain degree of myself in my heroines, especially in Joy Wychmere of Passion in Paris. She is like me in many ways; I would say the main reason for that would be because of her determination to fight for what she believes in when all odds are against her.
Q5. How did you get published?
A. I researched numerous houses and companies, both standard and subsidy, but I decided to use the course of self-publishing, mainly because I believe in an author obtaining their rights without the demand they be signed away, and also for direction and creative right of one's work, and the ability to keep it in print without the need of massive sales to accomplish this which Standard Houses demand. I believe this has a lot to do with why certain manuscripts are picked up and others are not. I also feel this is one of the main reasons why Indie Publishing is becoming an ever growing option, and as long as one realizes the rules of the game as well as what is expected by both parties involved, then the venture can prove lucrative for the author.
Q6: Did you have any surprises or hiccups along the way during the book writing and/or publishing process?
A. It's never a smooth skating rink when it comes to writing a story or the ability to publish it regardless of the route chosen. When it's good it's great, but there are times when you draw a blank, your mind cannot decide which path to take that would best suit the work, and it can become frustrating, both the writing process, as well publishing. It doesn't happen over-night, might not happen at all, either way it takes an enormous amount of time to both write a manuscript and publish it regardless of the route you take to achieve it.
Q7: What one thing did you wish you'd known before you started this project?
A. The extreme demand of time and cost, but then again it is an investment just like any venture regardless of how you enter it, and like any investment one does the best they can in educating themselves in the area they're undertaking. Like any business it very much depends on how hard you want to work to acheive success.
Q8: You're a fly on the wall when readers are discussing your book. What would you hope to hear them say about it?
A. That it's fabulous, best book they've ever read! In actuality I would hope they would truly enjoy it, support it, and recommend it to others.
Q9: Tell us one thing about you that most people don't know or would surprise them.
A. I'm basically a very shy and reserved person, but over the years and through life experience I've come to gain a much better foot-hold in this area.
Q10: What single piece of advice would you give new authors?
A. Write what you know. Experience truly is the golden rule when it comes to expressing your ideas and thoughts.
Q11: Share a short summary of a typical day in your life with us please.
A. I usually try to be at my desk by 10 am, usually work until 6 or 7pm, depending on the time frame of a project that is underway. If I'm working on a new manuscript I often choose to write in the early morning hours when the house is quiet, as well the phone.
Q12: Describe where you do most of your writing. What would I see if I was sitting beside you?
A. If you were seated beside me at the moment I'm afraid you would see a mess :) Seriously, in nice weather I often take pencil and scribbler, find a comfortable spot outdoors and write. I love to write poetry this way, but most writing is done on my computer keyboard which is located in the bright, airy loft of my house.
Q13: What's your motto or favourite quote you like to live by?
A. Do your best and never give up trying, because only you know what is within yourself and your ability to achieve it.
Q14: Is there anything else you'd like to share with us in closing such as your website, an imminent book launch or what you're working on presently?
A. Anyone interested can keep up with me at:,,,,,, and my poetry site: "Inspiration in Thought" at My books are available at the online bookstores at,,,, or your local bookstore's order desk. For people in my area Feelings, Young Minds, and Passion in Paris: Connections to the Past are currently available at St. Catharines Pen Center COLES, and Seaway Mall, Welland, and Passion in Paris: Connections to the Past is currently available at CHAPTERS, Fairview Mall, St. Catharines, and online in e-Book at
I'm currently working on a romance/drama entitled Net of Lies, a story about two unlikely lovers caught in a web of deceit that leads them down a road of imminent destruction, but I don't have further information at this point as to publication or release date. Check my websites for updates on this.
Passion Paris: Directions of the Heart, the second in the series of two which picks up from where the first leaves off is due for release in May, and I hope everyone will take the time to check it out.
I would very much like to thank Spotlight Interviews for this generous opportunity. As a working author who is trying to get their name and work known, this kind of exposure is invaluable.
Thanks for your time Rusty! Please share this Spotlight Interview with friends and fans by linking to it, Tweeting it, Digging it, sharing it on Facebook and generally shouting about it anywhere you can.
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Hi Kay, and many thanks for your kind comments.
Bookstores, at least here in Canada, only accept books on assignment, which means they get a percentage of each sale. The stores may differ on the amount, but the ones which I have had experince with work on a scale of 55% for the author, 45% for the store and it is up to the author to supply the books. I feel the author should recieve at least 60% if not higher as they have to supply their own material, but so far I haven't found a store which offers this. This is odd too, because most of the big chain bookstores across Canada are all, or either COLES, Chapters, or Indigo which are American. However, I feel grateful, because not all stores accept self-published authors, so I continue on the path I'm on.
I did purchase a one year Returnability Program from my publisher when I published the first book in the Passion in Paris story which allows the stores to purchase the book, or books directly from the publisher, and any unsold books, if they are over 108 pages and Returnability is carried, can be returned to Ingram Book Company which is the data base for POD books, and they issue the total cost back to the store who purchased the book, but the author recieves total royality regardless whether the book sells or not. This is how POD books (print on demand) method works, but I didn't know at the time that the Returnability Programme is not honored here in Canada. Hopefully I'll be able to soon branch into the New York State book stores where the programme can be used. I don't know whether I have any secret other than continued phone calls, and visits to managers, and followups with regard to book signings, and any kind of event where one may gain exposure, but I would introduce myself, tell them I'm a local author as well a bit about the book, and ask if I could bring it in to be seen. Most were open to this -- they tell you straight up if they aren't -- but the majority are very open to new authors, especially their local authors, and try their best to help. Patience is defintely a virtue, but when you self-publish it's something you must not be in short supply of. I hope what I've had to say will be of help for those wishing to take that first uncertain step.
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