Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Q1: Thanks for participating in our Spotlight Interview series Andrew! Please introduce yourself and your book to help our readers get to know you.
A: I’m Andrew Souza, I’m the author of the mystery/thriller “Acceptance: Shadow at the edge of day and night”
Q2: Please explain how you came to be a writer, what inspired you to write your book(s) and how long it took.
A: I had this story in my mind, lingering. Since I’m not a trusting person, I wouldn’t tell it to anyone in fear this someone would eventually take credit for it. I know. A little paranoid. J So, one day I just put my “butt” down, and started to write.
Q3: What did you enjoy most about creating this book?
A. I learned a lot about the process of writing as I wrote. It seemed to me that even though English 101 was a good basis, it would not help me when it came to writing an original story. And that’s what I finally accomplished.
Q4: What facets of your life, both personal and professional, are woven into your book, if any?
A. I don’t think there is much about my life in the book, perhaps certain aspects of the dialogs, I pride myself of being original on whatever I do, and to write a story that has been told time and time again in different ways was not in my plan. Every scenario I have in the book, I tried to make it as different as I could. Well, perhaps some trivial aspects were taken from familiar stories, “the dark woods”.
Q5. How did you get published?
A. I self-published. I sent it out to a lot of publishers and agents, but they didn’t feel they were in a position to take chances on a new writer. However, I am thrilled that thus far, I have received 4 out of 5 stars, and the reviewers who read it, liked the twists in the story.
Q6: Did you have any surprises or hiccups along the way during the book writing and/or publishing process?
A. I’m a person who hopes for the best, but expect the worst. So, when the reviewers started to post their reviews, I was excited, and extremely pleased that my story, although, relatively short, was well received. Thanks Giovanni Gelati, April Renn, Shirley Johnson, Pamela Cornes and among others.
Q7: What one thing did you wish you'd known before you started this project?
A. That is a great question, but I feel that the story developed in my mind as I wrote, but I did learn that the end I had in mind from the get-go, didn’t turn out to be the most suited; and I am pleased, it was a surprise even to me too. J
Q8: You're a fly on the wall when readers are discussing your book. What would you hope to hear them say about it?
A. I just hope they enjoy the book as much as i enjoyed writing it. And my biggest thrill is when the reader has that look on his/her face that says, “Wow, I did not see that coming.” The few reviewers and people who have read it did indeed tell me that, in their own words.
Q9: Tell us one thing about you that most people don't know or would surprise them.
A. One thing only? Well, I’ll say two. English is not my native tongue, and writing is definitively not my first choice in “what I wanted to do when I grew up.”
Q10: What single piece of advice would you give new authors?
A. Try to be as original as you can. Write for yourself, don’t write to please anyone, of course ultimately that’s what you want, but I found that if you write a story that you like, often times it will translate into a story that others will enjoy. It’s all about the passion behind the writing.
Q11: Share a short summary of a typical day in your life with us please.
A. Where do I begin? I’m a “jack of all trades.” I usually get up, turn on the news while having my breakfast, jump on the computer to do some homework (I’m also an MBA student), if some ideas pop in, I’ll open a new file, dwell on it for a second. Gym is a must and a few days of the week I go to church. I’m sure if you read my book you would think this would be the last thing you’d hear me say. I started church long after the book was done.
Q12: Describe where you do most of your writing. What would I see if I was sitting beside you?
A. I’m usually sitting on the center of my love seat with my laptop on a stand right in front of me, if you were next to me, you’d most likely see me hunched over typing when ideas were flowing, and slouched back when I’m thinking about the questions the story posed to me at a given moment.
Q13: What's your motto or favorite quote you like to live by?
A. “Quiters never win, and WINNERS never Quit.” But I have others, i’ll give you one more, “the definition of insanity, trying the same things over and over, and expecting different results.”
Q14: Is there anything else you'd like to share with us in closing such as your website, an imminent book launch or what you're working on presently?
A.The few people who reviewed the book did raised a question that I, myself, have been wondering. My good friend who pushed me to publish this story has been asking it too. Is there a sequel? The answer is, I’m thinking about the elements currently. I have written another story, also mystery/thriller, but I have to revamp it a little.
If anyone would like to see the reviews they all were either posted on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Hope you enjoy the book, and the reviews. I looking forward to hearing from you. profile:
Thanks for your time Andrew! Please share this Spotlight Interview with friends and fans by linking to it, Tweeting it, Digging it, sharing it on Facebook and generally shouting about it anywhere you can. We'd ask fellow members to support you by doing the same.
Andrew-- Can you help me out. I did my questions for the spotlight interview but now don't know what to do with it. How do I get my interview in a PM?? I see you got yours posted so I thought you may could help me.
I got it Kurt but will add the instructions here for future reference.
I like the cover, and it's an interesting title for a mystery/thriller.
i don't know how sotlightinterview works can you help me
Mantu, all the information is at the forum.
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