Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Q1: Thanks for participating in our Spotlight Interview series, Nolah! Please introduce yourself and your book to help our readers get to know you. 

Hi, I'm Nolah Reed, a newcomer to I'd like to introduce myself and my novel, "A Foregone Confusion".

Q2: Please explain how you came to be a writer, what inspired you to write your book(s) and how long it took you.     

Well, like most of you, I started writing when I was around five, in kindergarten, because the teachers stuck a pencil the size of a horse's leg in my chubby little fist and made me do it. I started writing for the pleasure of story telling when I was closer to forty.

Q3: What did you enjoy most about creating this book?

"A Foregone Confusion" started out as a "fluff" piece, a diversionary exercise, since, until then, I'd concentrated on writing very serious, intense, paranormal/medical fiction, only to realize I was never going to be as spooky as Stephen King or as deliberate and precise as Robin Cook.

After the comparative pressure was off, I let myself create my own little world and soon fell head long in love with my "play piece" and the ridiculous, irreverent characters that made it real.

Q4: What facets of your life, both personal and professional, are woven into your book, if any?  

All authors cannot help somehow integrating their lives and experiences into the situations and characters they create. I've been most fortunate to have lived a life along side some very memorable individuals. They have been my inspiration as have my many and varied occupations. 

Q5. How did you get published?

I gave up, for awhile, after many years of going the traditional route, writing polite, well constructed query letters that were invariably returned saying "Interesting, but not for me".

It was only after the electronic E-Book phenomenon began that I decided to self publish "Confusion" via BookBaby, in March of this year.

Q6: Did you have any surprises or hiccups along the way during the  book writing and/or publishing process? 

The writing has never been a problem for me. Getting it out there was.

A neophyte to file conversion/preparation, after months of painstaking editing to what I considered an immaculate manuscript," Foregone" was submitted, all conditions met, but the final set-up was sent off unseen.

I was horrified to see the finished product. Spelling mistakes? Missing punctuation and letters?  Strange symbols where none existed before? I was sick over it, but still hope the content will outweigh the flaws.

Q7: What one thing did you wish you'd known before you started this project?

That this thing called writing life does not have an end point. It's with you always.

I need to know a whole lot more about computer generated files, which is about as pleasant a concept to me as having a pointed stick planted firmly in my eyeball.

Q8: You're a fly on the wall when readers are discussing your book.   What would you hope to hear them say about it? 

I laughed so hard, it hurt. I cried. I didn't want it to end. Something like that.

Q9: Tell us one thing about you that most people don't know or would surprise them.

I was a bartender in St. Thomas USVI for 4 years. I intend on starting a Food Truck business in my hometown in North Carolina. Cooking and writing. Great combination.

Q10: What single piece of advice would you give new authors?

Never give up. Go with your gut.

Q11: Share a short summary of a typical day in your life with us  please.

It so depends on where I am at the moment and what job is paying the bills. Not a morning person, never have been, so coffee is first and no interaction of serious consequence until at least 10 am. I like to have a late morning and late night writing session, since the perspectives are so different, given the time of day.

When I'm home in NC, three unruly dogs, two grown, but not quite gone kids and a creatively crazy husband keep me fairly busy. When I'm on the road, emergency cardiac medicine takes up all of my time.

Looking forward to the day I can pursue this writing passion full time and hang up the stethoscope for good.

Q12:  Describe where you do most of your writing. What would I see if I was sitting beside you?

Since I travel so much, the scenery, or the setting I write in, is always different. The only constants are the keyboard in front of me, the early morning coffee or the late night cocktail at my elbow.

Q13: What's your motto or favorite quote you like to live by?

It used to be, "Go big, or stay home". These days I'm more likely to stay home and go small.

Q14: Is there anything else you'd like to share with us in closing such as your website, current project, book launching, etc. 

My website is, currently under construction by my exceptionally brilliant son, Ross. It's a work in progress like everything else.

I can be contacted at NolahReed {at} and welcome hearing impressions, comments, kudos and criticisms.

Presently working on two projects, to be launched in the late summer or early fall: "Becoming the Cat" and "Judgement Daze", both paranormal/medical suspense fiction.

Many thanks to for allowing me the opportunity to be part of this growing community of writers. profile:

Thanks for your time Nolah! Please share this Spotlight Interview with friends and fans by linking to it, Tweeting it, sharing it on Facebook and generally shouting about it anywhere you can. We'd ask fellow members to support you by doing the same.

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Views: 945

Comment by Nolah Reed on June 24, 2013 at 3:18am happy to see this on this site.

Many thanks and much appreciation for allowing me to participate.



Comment by Shirley Ann Long on June 26, 2013 at 3:17am

Nolah, thanks for the advice you give new writers to "Never Give Up".  Who knows someday, somewhere, shomehow, someone will appreciate our writing and we will be rewarded.  May you

be blessed in your writing career. 

Comment by Nolah Reed on June 26, 2013 at 3:46am

Shirley...Thank you for taking the time to comment. I feel the same way you do. This is not an easy road, but we can't give up and surely can help each other along the way. My every wish for luck and happiness to you as well.



Comment by Lori Rector on August 14, 2013 at 2:27am

Thank you for giving us the insight into your experience.  It's nice to hear that other's have had issues, doubts, and frustrations.  Sometimes it feels l like I'm flopping around out here by myself.

Good Luck!!

Comment by C. A. Lofton on August 30, 2013 at 4:34pm

Thanks for sharing your artist experiences. Continued Success!!

Comment by Nolah Reed on September 1, 2013 at 7:35pm are not alone...a whole bunch of us are out there flopping along right beside you.

Thank you C.A. for those kind wishes. Same to you.

Comment by joselito de Vera on May 29, 2015 at 12:17pm

im new here and im glad that i found this page to communicate with other things inside and outside of the country thank you for having me here ..godbless you all 


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